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The News International
August 06, 2005


by Zia Mian and A.H. Nayyar

When he was told on August 6, 1945, that America's new atom bomb had 
destroyed its first target, the Japanese city of Hiroshima, U.S. 
President Harry Truman declared "This is the greatest thing in 
history." Three days later, on August 9, another atom bomb destroyed 
the city of Nagasaki.

The coming of the bomb brought pain and death. A 1946 survey by the 
Hiroshima City Council found that from a civilian population of about 
320,000 on the day of the explosion: over 118,000 were killed, over 
30,000 seriously injured, with almost 49,000 slightly injured, and 
nearly 4,000 people were missing. In December 1945, the Nagasaki City 
Commission determined that because of the bombing there, almost 
74,000 people had been killed and 75,000 injured. The injured 
continued to die for months and years later, one of the reasons being 
radiation sickness. Pregnant women who were affected produced 
children who were severely physically and mentally retarded. The 
Japanese created a new word -- hibakusha, -- a survivor of the atom 

In the sixty years since the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 
we have been spared the horror of a nuclear weapon attack on another 
city. But nuclear weapons have grown in their destructive power; each 
can now be tens of times, or even hundreds of times, more powerful 
that those used to destroy Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The number of 
nuclear weapons has grown; there are now tens of thousands. Where 
there was one country with the bomb, there are now perhaps nine (US, 
Russia, UK, France, China, Israel, India, Pakistan and North Korea). 
There are many more political and military leaders who, like Truman 
in 1945, see the bomb as "the greatest thing in history".

 From the very beginning, there has also been opposition to the bomb. 
The French writer and activist Albert Camus wrote on August 6, 1945: 
"technological civilization has just reached its final degree of 
savagery... Faced with the terrifying perspectives which are opening 
up to humanity, we can perceive even better that peace is the only 
battle worth waging."

The American sociologist and critic Lewis Mumford wrote: "We in 
America are living among madmen. Madmen govern our affairs in the 
name of order and security. The chief madmen claim the titles of 
general, admiral, senator, scientist, administrator, Secretary of 
State, even President." There are many more of these madmen now. They 
all mumble the same nonsense about "threats," and "national 
security," and "nuclear deterrence," and try to scare everyone around 

Protest and resistance against the madness of nuclear weapons has 
brought together some of the greatest figures of our times with 
millions of ordinary men and women around the world. Albert Einstein 
and the philosopher Bertrand Russell gave the reason most simply and 
clearly. They published a manifesto in 1955 in which they identified 
the stark challenge created by nuclear weapons: "Shall we put an end 
to the human race; or shall mankind renounce war?"

The only way forward for humanity, Einstein and Russell said, was 
that "We have to learn to think in a new way. We have to learn to ask 
ourselves, not what steps can be taken to give a military victory to 
whatever group we prefer, for there no longer are such steps; the 
question we have to ask ourselves is: what steps can be taken to 
prevent a military contest of which the issue must be disastrous to 
all parties?" Their 1955 manifesto led to the formation of the 
Pugwash movement of scientists. It was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 
for its work against nuclear weapons in 1995. There are now Pugwash 
groups in 50 countries, including in India and Pakistan.

Global protests eventually forced an end to nuclear weapons testing 
in the atmosphere and under water. These explosions had been spewing 
radioactivity in the air, where it was blown around the world, 
poisoning land, water, food and people. But the "madmen" were blinded 
by the power of the ultimate weapon. They kept building more and 
bigger bombs and threatening to use them. They have been stopped from 
using them only by the determined efforts of peace movements and 
public pressure.

The bomb and the madmen came to South Asia too. India tested a bomb 
in 1974 and Pakistan set about trying to make one. There was protest 
too. In 1985, a small group of people in Islamabad organised an event 
for Hiroshima Day, August 6, at the Rawalpindi Press Club. There was 
a slide show and talk about nuclear weapons and their terrible 
effects, with pictures of the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 
Every picture brought gasps of horror and revulsion from the packed 
audience. The posters and placards and banners on the walls carried 
messages about the need to end war, to reduce military spending and 
increase spending on education and health, and to make peace between 
India and Pakistan. A small, short-lived peace group was born, the 
Movement for Nuclear Disarmament.

That was twenty years ago. The Cold War is long over, the Soviet 
Union long gone, but there has been little relief. The United States 
still has five thousand weapons deployed, 2000 of which are ready to 
use within 15 minutes, and there are another five thousand in 
reserve. Russia has over 7000 weapons deployed and 9000 in reserve. 
The UK, France, and China are estimated each to have several hundred 
warheads, Israel may have almost as many, and India and Pakistan have 
a hundred or fewer. North Korea may have a handful. And, leaders are 
still mad; they send armies to attack and occupy other countries, and 
kill and maim tens of thousands. In America, they plan for newer and 
more useable nuclear weapons.

In the meantime, India and Pakistan have also tested their nuclear 
weapons -- which are about as powerful as the bombs that destroyed 
Hiroshima and Nagasaki. They have threatened to use their weapons in 
every crisis since then. They are making more weapons and missiles as 
fast as they can. A nuclear war between Pakistan and India, in which 
they each used only five of their nuclear weapons, would likely kill 
about three million people and severely injure another one and a half 
million. What more proof is needed that we are ruled by madmen?

If South Asia is to survive its own nuclear age, we shall need to 
have strong peace movements in both Pakistan and India. A beginning 
has been made. The Pakistan Peace Coalition was founded in 1999; it 
is a national network of groups working for peace and justice. In 
2000, Indian activists established the Campaign for Nuclear 
Disarmament and Peace. These movements will need all the help and 
support they can get to keep the generals and Prime Ministers in both 
countries in check. The leaders in both countries must be taught, 
over and over again, that the people will not allow a nuclear war to 
be fought. There should never be a word in any other language for 

Zia Mian, peace activist, is a physicist at Princeton University.

A.H. Nayyar is a physicist, co-convener of Pugwash Pakistan, and 
president of the Pakistan Peace Coalition.


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