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Inter Press Service
October 26 2005

Analysis by Praful Bidwai

*NEW DELHI , Oct 26 (IPS) - Seven years after blasting its way into 
the world's 'nuclear club', India has executed a major shift in its 
policy stance by jettisoning its long-standing advocacy of global 
nuclear disarmament in favour of nuclear non-proliferation.*

On Monday, the country's Foreign Secretary, Shyam Saran enunciated a 
new doctrinal orientation: India will now be ''part of'' a ''new 
global consensus on non-proliferation''.

The new stance is in line with a far-reaching agreement on nuclear 
weapons and atomic power signed between India and the United States 
in July.

 From now on India will pay lip service, if even that, to the goal of 
fighting for universal nuclear weapons abolition and a nuclear 
weapons-free world.

This unceremonious burial of the disarmament agenda comes less than 
18 months after the Manmohan Singh government came to power pledging, 
in its principal programmatic document, to assume a 'leadership role' 
in the struggle for the complete global elimination of nuclear 

In his speech, Shyam Saran outlined India's emerging tough posture on 
Iran's nuclear programme, ahead of another possible vote at the 
coming meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in 
Vienna a month from now.

Last month, India shocked domestic opinion, Iran, and the Non-Aligned 
Movement by voting for a West-sponsored resolution accusing Iran of 
''non-compliance'' with the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) 
and the IAEA's statute, and thus preparing the ground for reporting 
it to United Nations Security Council for possible sanctions.

An important element of Saran's speech was the naming of Pakistan as 
the supplier of Iran's clandestine nuclear programme and demanding an 
investigation into the role of AQ Khan, 'Father of the Pakistani 
Bomb' in Iran's imports.

Until now, New Delhi had maintained a discreet silence or a low-key 
approach on the sensational disclosures of Khan's shady nuclear deals.

Since January, last year, India has also been carrying out a series 
of ''composite dialogues'' aimed at restoring normal relations with 
its nuclear-armed rival and neighbour, Pakistan.

''We are clearly seeing in all this the unfolding of the real 
significance of the India-U.S. nuclear deal of July'', says Kamal 
Mitra Chenoy, professor at the School of International Studies at 
Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi.

''The deal makes a special, unprecedented, one-time exception for 
India in the global rules governing civilian nuclear commerce by 
declaring India a 'responsible' nuclear state and admitting it into 
the small monopolistic cartel called the Nuclear Club,'' Chenoy told 

But the deal faces a tough ratification process in the U.S. Congress 
and in the 45-member Nuclear Suppliers' Group. India's chanting of 
the non-proliferation mantra, which Indian pro-Bomb analysts until 
recently equated with a form of religious nuclear fanaticism, is 
designed to facilitate Congressional ratification.

''India is paying the price for the deal with the US by sacrificing 
its own policy independence and its long-standing role as an apostle 
of peace and nuclear disarmament'', said Chenoy.

It is plain from recent Congressional hearings that the U.S. will 
make the deal's implementation conditional upon India's good or 
'responsible' behaviour in collaborating with the U.S. in isolating 

Leading Congressmen have warned India that it must choose between 
''the Iran of the Ayotollahs'', with its oil and gas, and the 
''democratic West'', with its advanced nuclear power technology.

India has been negotiating a major agreement with Iran for a gas 
pipeline through Pakistan, which will give it assured long-term 
supplies of the fuel at a low price but the U.S. has publicly opposed 
the deal.

After the Indian vote at Vienna, the pipeline seemed to be in 
jeopardy. After Saran's statement, it may well be dead in the water.

Saran signalled that India has gone beyond demanding greater 
transparency and details about Iran's past nuclear activities, 
including its crude and primitive efforts to enrich uranium (which 
can potentially be used both to generate electricity and make 
weapons). India now says it won't ''accept as legitimate the pursuit 
of clandestine activities in respect to WMD-related techniques''.

This blanket term covers an entire range of activities, including 
uranium enrichment and research reactors. Most of these are amenable 
to dual uses.

India's shift away from the nuclear disarmament agenda to an 
exclusive preoccupation with non-proliferation is reflected in 
Saran's speech. The phrase ''global nuclear disarmament'' does not 
occur even once in the text. But ''non-proliferation'' occurs 25 

This shift is not about language alone. It signifies that India has 
abandoned the pursuit of abolition of nuclear weapons from all 
countries. It only wants to prevent new states from acquiring such 
weapons. Those which have them, including itself, can keep them. To 
do this, India advocates ''global norms that go beyond the NPT''.

This too is in keeping with US priorities. Since September 11, 2001, 
Washington has refused all proposals for limiting, leave alone 
disarming, its nuclear weapons. It strongly signalled its opposition 
to nuclear disarmament at a review conference of the NPT this past 

But at the same time, the US has redoubled its efforts at preventing 
proliferation through aggressive measures like intercepting suspect 
shipments on the high seas. India is moving towards support for such 
measures too.

''This will be seen as India's betrayal of its own past traditions as 
a peace campaigner and leader of the Non-Aligned Movement, and its 
own independent foreign policy'', says Aijaz Ahmad, a distinguished 
professor of South Asian Studies at the Jamia Millia Islamia 
university in the capital. ''There will be sharp divisions and no 
domestic consensus whatever on this disastrous policy shift''.

India's new turn on the AQ Khan issue is directed as much at the U.S. 
as at Pakistan. It wants to highlight the proliferation potential in 
its neighbourhood to indicate that it will play a leading, pro-active 
role in preventing the possible spread of nuclear weapons.

This is designed to please Washington although it is doubtful that it 
will lead to much investigation into Khan's activities, given 
Washington's dependence on Pakistan for the 'war on terror'.

India's new position as enunciated by Saran is that clandestine 
nuclear operations must be scrutinised from both the demand and 
supply ends. ''We see no reason why there should be an insistence on 
personal interviews with Iranian scientists but an exception granted 
to a man who has been accused of running a global 'nuclear 
Wal-Mart'.'' This refers to Khan, who is believed to have supplied 
components of uranium enrichment centrifuges to Iran.

Such rhetoric may embitter India-Pakistan relations. Already, the 
composite dialogue process has entered stagnation. The two failed to 
cooperate in rescue and relief operations across the Line of Control 
in divided Kashmir after the terrible earthquake there two weeks ago.

By moving into the U.S. orbit, and embracing non-proliferation at the 
expense of disarmament, India may end up sacrificing its interests in 
peace and cooperation in the immediate neighbourhood. (END/2005)


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