merci pour la reponse :)
more below, inline.

> ....
> Things are different if you are fine working with fully expanded
> expressions.
for all that's worth, that won't do for what i am trying. the point is
to have the generality of alphabets.

> ....
> > Is there any better way to do this?
> An alternative way is to work over the tensor product of two copies of
> the ring of symmetric functions:
>     sage: S = SymmetricFunctions(QQ)
>     sage: s= S.s()
>     sage: tensor([s, s])
>     Symmetric Function Algebra over Rational Field, Schur symmetric functions 
> as basis # Symmetric Function Algebra over Rational Field, Schur symmetric 
> functions as basis
>     sage: x = tensor((s[1], s[2,1])) + 2* tensor((s[2,1], s[3]))
>     sage: x
>     s[[1]] # s[[2, 1]] + 2*s[[2, 1]] # s[[3]]
>     sage: x * x
>     s[[1, 1]] # s[[2, 2, 1, 1]] + ...
> Now, is this better?
>  - From an efficiency point of view, this should be similar, unless
>    the manipulated symmetric functions have some specific structure;
>    the only difference is how the coefficients are collected together.
>  + It is more symmetric

There is some structure for my computation (matching degrees of the
polynomials over the two alphabets, which I was hoping to exploit with
the PowerSeriesRing idea). In any case, it's more symmetric and gives
a better presentation, so I am happier with this.

There are bugs however, as this will demonstrate:

S = SymmetricFunctions(QQ)
s = S.s()
p = S.p()
ss = tensor([s,s])
pp = tensor([p,p])

a = tensor((s[5],s[5]))

The answer given,
p[[5]] # p[[5]]
is not correct (but once sage has what it thinks is pp(a), it s a
proper element of pp(a) and it does the computations with it well)

> ....
> There are (at least) two bugs here:
> (1) sB is not in CommutativeRings()
> I'll fix this right now.
> (2) PowerSeriesRing should use
>         base_ring in CommutativeRings()
>    rather than
>         isinstance(base_ring, commutative_ring.CommutativeRing):
> Would you be fine writing and handling a patch for this?

On Sep 2, 4:03 pm, "Nicolas M. Thiery" <>
>         Salut!
> On Tue, Sep 01, 2009 at 09:41:11AM -0700, Paul-Olivier Dehaye wrote:
> > I am trying to do computations with symmetric functions over different
> > alphabets.
> > This seems to have been part of the SFA package, itself part of the mu-
> > EC package, itself considered a deprecated part of the MuPAD-combinat
> > package... 
> > (see
> > ). Is it still in Sage via this chain?
> Good job tracing that back :-)
> But no, this feature did not survive the migration. The main thing is
> that we haven't yet a good idea of what the design should be. In most
> applications, users will want to manipulate unexpanded symbolic
> expressions involving a mix of functions from several alphabets. And
> we plainly don't have good experience in symbolic computations!
> Things are different if you are fine working with fully expanded
> expressions.
> > Sage currently has a roundabout way to do this, but it's not so
> > pretty, requires all kinds of coercions and is probably slower than it
> > needs to be:
> > sA = SFASchur(QQ)
> > sB = SFASchur(sA)
> > x = sum(sB(1/i)*sB(sA([i]))*sB([i]) for i in (1..5))
> > pA = SFAPower(QQ)
> > pB = SFAPower(pA)
> > pB(x)
> > Is there any better way to do this?
> An alternative way is to work over the tensor product of two copies of
> the ring of symmetric functions:
>     sage: S = SymmetricFunctions(QQ)
>     sage: s= S.s()
>     sage: tensor([s, s])
>     Symmetric Function Algebra over Rational Field, Schur symmetric functions 
> as basis # Symmetric Function Algebra over Rational Field, Schur symmetric 
> functions as basis
>     sage: x = tensor((s[1], s[2,1])) + 2* tensor((s[2,1], s[3]))
>     sage: x
>     s[[1]] # s[[2, 1]] + 2*s[[2, 1]] # s[[3]]
>     sage: x * x
>     s[[1, 1]] # s[[2, 2, 1, 1]] + ...
> Now, is this better?
>  - From an efficiency point of view, this should be similar, unless
>    the manipulated symmetric functions have some specific structure;
>    the only difference is how the coefficients are collected together.
>  + It is more symmetric
>  + accessing coefficients should be easier when there are lots of
>    alphabets (n-fold tensor product). The support for tensor products
>    in Sage is still limited though. In the longer run, there will be
>    support for mixed coercions (say you want the result to be
>    expressed as powersums in the first alphabet and elementary
>    symmetric functions in the second alphabet), as in MuPAD-Combinat.
>  - This requires the sage-combinat patches ...
> > In addition, I really want to do my computations in a power series
> > ring over the commutative ring of (Schur, whatever) symmetric
> > functions in 2 alphabets. The extra variable t would let me keep track
> > of the weight of the degrees of the polynomials involved, since for
> > each term of my computation the degrees are the same in the two
> > alphabets. So I tried something like this:
> > T.<t> = PowerSeriesRing(sB,default_prec=5)
> > but Sage (4.1.combinat and 4.1.1 on the server) complains:
> > TypeError: base_ring must be a commutative ring
> > Is there a way to circumvent that? Any help greatly appreciated!
> There are (at least) two bugs here:
> (1) sB is not in CommutativeRings()
> I'll fix this right now.
> (2) PowerSeriesRing should use
>         base_ring in CommutativeRings()
>    rather than
>         isinstance(base_ring, commutative_ring.CommutativeRing):
> Would you be fine writing and handling a patch for this?
> I guess that's all.
> > PS: It might also be good to edit
> >
> > since this is a natural place you end up at when you want to install
> > combinat, and it s confusing with that title...
> Thanks for the notice. I commented out the temporary stuff for the
> *-Combinat meeting. Volunteers to further improve this sensitive page
> are most welcome!
> Cheers,
>                                 Nicolas
> --
> Nicolas M. Thiéry "Isil" <>
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