Salut Vincent,

Do you know that I am in France now!? For one year!

 What do you think if we made the following works:
>    sage: w = Word(P, datatype="polynom")
>    sage: P == R(w)
>    True

Well, I thought that the datatype input above meant in which kind of data to
store the word and not really the way to understand the input P.

Does the following is satisfaisant?

sage: R = GF(2)['x']
sage: P = R('x^5 + x^3 + x + 1')
sage: Word(P, datatype='list')
word: 110101
sage: Word(P, datatype='iter')
word: 110101
sage: l = list(P)
sage: Word(l)
word: 110101

> My second question is what about infinite series ?
If S is a infinite series, Word(S, datatype='callable') should work as long
as S is callable and Word(S, datatype='iter') as long as S is iterable.


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