Dear Nicolas,

I just spent/lost one hour on the following missfeature (at least in my
opinion) of TestsSuite... Mind the "..." ;-) Those dots are particularly heavy
dots... Still don't get it ?

    myself._test_my_reaction() ... done ?
Anything happening ? No ? Really nothing ?
Then read below...

When testing something in verbose mode the typical output of sage is:

    sage: P = Sets().example("inherits")
    sage: TestSuite(P).run(verbose=True)
    running ._test_an_element() ... done
    running ._test_element_pickling() ... done
    running ._test_not_implemented_methods() ... done
    running ._test_pickling() ... done
    running ._test_some_elements() ... done

The problem arise if I want to tests this in a doctests. The "..." match
anything. Therefore if I add a new test, which for example output

    running ._test_an_element() ... done
    running ._test_element_pickling() ... done
    running ._test_len() ... done
    running ._test_not_implemented_methods() ... done
    running ._test_pickling() ... done
    running ._test_some_elements() ... done

The two lines
    running ._test_element_pickling() ... done
    running ._test_len() ... done
are matched by the pattern:
    running ._test_element_pickling() ... done
and therefore no error is detected... I'm very doubtful that this is on
purpose. Is it. I has the nice consequence that adding a _test_ methods very
low in the Category Hierarchy (I was adding one in Objects) doesn't break
anything as soon as you are not too at the beginning or the end of the
alphabet. But I don't think it's a good. Idea.

Is there a way to deactivate this "..." matching or should we systematically
change those "..." by for example ". . ." ?



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