Hello Nicolas,

Hmm, I would say not quite. But we can discuss this later on.

You say this since the elements in the direct sum will have different
parents depending in which B_i they sit in? I guess turning
facade = False should fix this problem.

Some other questions I had last night which I forgot to ask:
(1) With facade = True it does not seem to use the methods in
    self.Element, but rather the methods of each object itself.
(2) Since DirectSumOfCrystals inherits both from Crystal and
    DisjointUnionEnumeratedSets, which iterator does it use?
    It seems to use the one from Crystal, but how could I change
    this in principle?

They all say the same thing that the keyword argument tester is unexpected.

_test_fast_iter_ is not TestSuite compliant. Please compare:

Ok, putting **options in the argument fixes the test failures. But where
are the options documented? I cannot really find satisfactory answers in

Where should the method for weight.highest_weight_crystal() go? In



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