This comes after a discussion I had with several at Sage days 20.5 in
Toronto relating to the underlying structure of permutation representations
in Sage. Sorry for the length, but it does completely express the situation.

I'll start by saying that I'm relatively new to Sage development (I'm from
the lands of GAP and C), but I do have some time and desire to contribute in
this area, depending on what results from this discussion. I've also posted
a ticket (#8929) on that adds some minimal functionality
along these lines to the permutation group methods in

Here's my basic issue: Sage constructs permutation groups in a very
intuitive, but arguably less robust and less mathematically consistent way
when compared to GAP. I want to explain these differences, to explain why
Sage's current perspective makes conducting my research in Sage very
challenging, and also to explain how the two perspectives may potentially be
brought together to add more functionality to permutation group methods in
Sage than currently exist in either Sage or GAP.

Here's an example of the same permutation group (really, a permutation
representation or action) in Sage and in GAP:

sage: G=PermutationGroup([[(2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]])
gap> G:=Group([(2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]);

To illustrate the differences between Sage and GAP, we can consider

sage: G.is_transitive()
gap> IsTransitive(G);

This difference is caused by GAP understanding G to be a permutation
representation acting on [2 ... 8], while Sage understands the action to be
on the set [1 ... 8], where 1 is in the domain of the action and is
simultaneously never moved by this specific representation. Sage determines
the degree of a permutation group to be the largest integer moved by any of
the generators. GAP considers the degree of a permutation group to be the
number of non-fixed points of the representation. Hence, any notion of
transitivity, regularity, primitivity, etc. will be considerably different
between GAP and Sage. In fact, Sage currently has no is_primitive method,
and I don't think it is possible to implement such a method consistently
given Sage's current implementation of In our above example, GAP
does rightly think that G is primitive. However, in Sage, not only do we
have a block system / equivalence relation on the domain (composed on blocks
having different sizes, that's bad), but the representation of G is not even

Note about the ticket mentioned above: I have rewritten is_transitive() and
allowed for optional arguments in the form of integers (in which case [1 ..
input] is the domain) or lists of integers (in which case the list is the
domain). In the patch is also a method for determining fixed and non-fixed
points as a list, which may then be used for transitivity, regularity and
primitivity calculations.

Sage's approach is very intuitive. If I input a single generator
[(100,101)], then my permutation group is isomorphic to Z_2 and acts on [1
... 101]. Unfortunately, I think this approach has more pitfalls than
bonuses. While it does mimic a human's permutation group intuition, it
removes a naive algorithmic understanding that makes more in-depth
calculations (those beyond a normal person's intuition) run cleanly. Here's
a simple example that is easy for intuition to handle:

sage: H=PermutationGroup([[(1,2,3,4)],[(5,6,7)]])
sage: S=H.stabilizer(2)

Here's one that isn't so intuitive: Randomly number the edges and vertices
of the unit cube. Define the rotational group of this cube in terms of
permutation generators. Rotational actions are clearly not transitive on
this collection of objects (it is a degree 20 representation of S_4), so
pick the smallest orbit and define a homomorphism (actually, an isomorphism)
from your original group to an action on this single orbit (vertices only).
This new action is transitive, but not primitive. So, do the same thing and
create a homomorphism (again, isomorphism) to an action on a block system.
Now, tell me the degree of this new action (it should be 4), the socle of
the corresponding group (it is affine, this calculation is easy if you can
compute a point stabilizer complement in the final action), and then compute
the EARNS of my original group as a lift back through my isomorphisms from
this socle. Once you abstract a permutation group beyond an intuitive level,
Sage loses its ability to calculate these properties and invariants. In GAP,
this calculation is relatively painless.

My goal here is to spark a conversation about what can be done in this
situation. I would love to have Sage more in-line with GAP's understanding
of the underlying structure of permutation actions. And, I'm not sure that
much has to be done to make this happen. I'm not an expert in python, but
I'm wondering if a dictionary could be used to translate the non-fixed
points of Sage's permutation group generators to a compacted list of
integers [1 ... degree] on which the current methods could be run. This may
have the added benefit of being able to define permutation actions in Sage
on more than integers. (I.e., one could define a permutation action on
arbitrary strings such as 'jane' and 'red'.) That would be a huge bonus over
current implementations in Sage or GAP. Once the methods are run, then the
dictionary could translate back and output results in the original generator
language. If singleton/trivial placeholders are desired as generators in
permutation actions, then entering them as [(2)] or [(joe)] should be
acceptable as input as a generator.

For now, I would appreciate input on this and also the patch I submitted to
introduce some of these capabilities in Sage's current implementation of
permutation groups.

Brevity is a virtue I do not have. Sorry about that.

Jason B. Hill

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