Salut Nicolas,

> > 4. the embedding into CC does not yet work: in the constructor, I
> > define the following module_morphism:
> >         def on_basis( x ):
> >             return (2 * CLF.pi() * CLF.gen() * x[1] /x[0]).exp()
> >         g = self.module_morphism( on_basis=on_basis, codomain=CLF )
> >         self.register_embedding( g )
> >     but this morphism returns an error:
> >     sage: F = UniversalCyclotomicField()
> >     sage: CC( E(6) )
> >     TypeError: unsupported operand parent(s) for '+': 'Complex Lazy
> > Field' and '<type 'NoneType'>'
> Probably just a glitch. I would need to run the code to debug.

I looked into the code and to me it looks like the problem is that, in
the class ModuleMorphismByLinearity, you use the method _lmul_(coeff)
on the codomain, see the method __call__ in the class
ModuleMorphismByLinearity. But this method is not used anymore in QQ,
CC or CLF and just returns None (whereas it is used in

Best, Christian

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