Sorry about being a bit daft about all of this. With the change you
suggested, I'll get the inner tensor product in the Power sum basis,
And one more thing, I presume this is more of a sage-support question,
but here it goes anyway :
When I make a change in the code, do I have to recompile/rebuild or

Thanks for the help!!

On Jul 19, 3:49 pm, Mike Hansen <mhan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 3:29 PM, vasu <tewari.v...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > For example, SF computes ( the code's not in maple, just to give an
> > idea of the computation I was trying)
> > s=SFASchur(QQ)
> > s[14,14].itensor(s[14,13,1])
> > in "no time" . But it seems to take quite a lot of time on Sage. I
> > have 4 gb memory and it ends up using 2+ gb for this particular
> > computation ( if I remember correctly)
> > Any insights?
> The bulk of the time is converting back from the power-sum basis to
> the Schur basis.  With the following change,
> --- a/sage/combinat/sf/sfa.py
> +++ b/sage/combinat/sf/sfa.py
> @@ -1555,7 +1555,7 @@
>          #Convert both self and x to the p basis
>          p = SFAPower(self.parent().base_ring())
>          f = lambda part1, part2: zee(part1)*p(part1)
> -        return
> self.parent()(p._apply_multi_module_morphism(p(self),p(x),f,orthogonal=True))
> +        return p._apply_multi_module_morphism(p(self),p(x),f,orthogonal=True)
>      internal_product = itensor
> I get
> sage: s = SFASchur(QQ)
> sage: %time f = s[14,14].itensor(s[14,13,1])
> CPU times: user 5.25 s, sys: 0.04 s, total: 5.29 s
> Wall time: 5.78 s
> When I first wrote this, I thought it'd be good to keep things in the
> same basis, but there's too much of a performance impact.  I think we
> should make things as lazy as possible.
> --Mike

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