Dear Andrew, dear Jason and tableaux devs,

Oops, I am just back from vacations and had not noticed that your
e-mail was not sent to sage-combinat-devel. So let me bounce it there
for others to comment (I'll be traveling back to France tomorrow)!

Jason started working on this ticket. Jason: could you state the
current status?


----- Forwarded message from Andrew Mathas <> -----

Date: Sun, 01 Aug 2010 22:40:46 +1000
From: Andrew Mathas <>
To: "Nicolas M. Thiery" <>
Subject: Re: Joint Sage-Combinat / Chevie workshop report

   Dear Nicolas,

    On a related issue, is one of able to explain briefly to me what
    needs to be done in order to remove `CombinatorialClass` from
    sage.combinat.tableau (trac 6295). If I have time I'll look into
    this as the current lack of inheritance in the standard tableau
    class is making life difficult. I gather that one of the main
    issues is that tableau do not necessarily belong to
    FiniteEnumeratedSets as they have have fairly arbitrary
    contents. If it's easy to describe what needs to be done then I
    might sign up for this one, although time is going to be a major

 It should not be that much work. Let me know when a couple days before
 you could hop on it, and I'll expand on it on the trac ticket.

   When you have some time could you please expand this ticket with more
   details of what needs to be done. I have looked around at some of the
   other code and haven't really found a good prototype -- this is not to say
   that there isn't one, just that I haven't found it! For various reasons
   I'd like to get this working now. At the same time I'm planning on
   throwing in a little extra functionality and creating a parallel class for
   tableaux indexed by multipartitions.

   From what I have seen it appears that the model is something like

       def __init__(self, *args):
          Parent.__init__(self, category = FiniteEnumeratedSets())

   but it would be nice to have a clearer picture of how these things are
   supposed to work and in particular how the parent-child relationship is
   supposed to work. I gather that a similar job needs to be done with

   I know that you are busy currently with FPSAC, so please take your time on
   this. If there is documentation that covers this please just direct me to
   this -- no doubt I should know where this is, so apologies!


----- End forwarded message -----
Nicolas M. ThiƩry "Isil" <>

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