Hi everyone,

I just came across a big "zero" problem on my patch and I was
wondering where it was coming from.

Here is what I have

sage: A = AbstractPolynomialRing(QQ)
sage: m = A.monomial_basis()
sage: (0 * m[1,2]) == 0

By comparing sage versions (because, it was working before), it seems
to come from the dict_linear_combination function in
sage.combinat.dict_addition import

Here is the code that is causing issues :

    if D != {}:
        a = iter(D).next()
        if hasattr(a,'parent') and hasattr(a.parent(),'zero'):
            zero = a.parent().zero()
            zero = 0
    for_removal = [key for key in D if D[key] == zero]
    for key in for_removal:
        del D[key]

This is the part removing the zeros, it used to be only :

for_removal = [ key for key, value in D.iteritems() if value == 0 ]
for key in for_removal:
    del D[key]

It seems to me that you're not testing the right 0, when I was looking
for the error, my D was as follow :

sage: D
{[1, 2]: 0}
sage: a =iter(D).next()
sage: a
[1, 2]

so the a is the key, not the value, so the test makes zero equals to
the key zero and not the ring zero :

sage: zero = a.parent().zero()
sage: zero
[0, 0]
sage: D[key]
sage: D[key] == zero

Obviously, there is something wrong, and it's breaking my program ...



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