Hi Simon,

> On 2012-04-20, Mark Shimozono <msh...@math.vt.edu> wrote:
>> You had mentioned the functor that, when applied to a group, creates
>> the group algebra.
>> I know about the algebra method for sets. Can one also get induced
>> algebra morphisms this way too,
>> as the name "functor" suggests should be possible?

> Also, what functor is it that you/Nicolas are/is talking about? I would
> expect it to be a construction functor and thus provided in the module
> sage.categories.pushout, but it isn't there.

sage: ZA=ZZ.algebra(QQ,category=CommutativeAdditiveGroups())

This creates the group algebra of the group (ZZ, +) with
rational coefficients. The construction sounds functorial to me,
at least on objects. But it doesn't seem to have an accompanying
way to work with morphisms.

> Anyway. If there are problems with applying a functor to objects or
> morphism, please look at the documentation of
> sage.categories.functor.Functor

Thanks for the pointer. I will probably end up implementing
a "Laurent" functor from free modules with basis (over a domain R, say)
to the group algebra over Frac(R) with group being the additive free module.

I already did the "object" part of the functor in a special case
(weight lattice ---> group algebra of weight lattice)
and find myself repeatedly redoing the "morphism" part for
various operators on weight lattices.

Which means I should just make a functor.


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