On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 12:51:34PM +0200, Nathann Cohen wrote:
>    Helloooooooo !!
>      I vote yes. When I teach this, I call this the swapping diagram (not
>      standard terminology). The number of swaps gives you the Bruhat
>      length, if I remember correctly, when you regard S_n as a Coxeter group.
>      The parity gives you the sign of the permutation, which gives you, in
>      turn, the
>      determinant of the associated matrix. It is a very useful diagram:-)
>    Hmmm.... I just took a look at it, and it seems I just can not do this for
>    my own purposes. I mean, this diagram can be written, but Permutations
>    objets basically *cannot* store a permutation between anything different
>    from 1 .... n
>    Well, it just supposes that the elements in the permutation have some
>    "natural linear ordering", which is the one given by the '<' python
>    operator. Here is the code from Permutation.inversions :
>             p = self[:]
>            inversion_list = []
>            for i in range(len(p)):
>                for j in range(i+1,len(p)):
>                    if  p[i] > p[j]:
>                        #inversion_list.append((p[i],p[j]))
>                        inversion_list.append([i,j])
>            return inversion_list
>    So it looks like I cannot trust it with my strings, for instance :-/
>    I will write this diagram anyway. It can prove useful to me later, and it
>    looks like you could use it anyway ^^;

You might want to use permutations from the symmetric group instead::

        sage: S = SymmetricGroup(10)
        sage: x = S.random_element()
        sage: x.inversions()
        [(2,3), (2,4), (2,5), (4,5), (3,5), (1,5), (2,6), (4,6), (3,6), (1,6), 
(5,6), (2,7), (4,7), (3,7), (1,7), (2,8), (4,8)]

It has been implemented recently by Mark, and it will work for any
Coxeter group.

Nicolas M. ThiƩry "Isil" <nthi...@users.sf.net>

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