Hi Anne,
Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to share with you this message I wrote some weeks ago (on 
sage-devel) about my understanding of sage-combinat. I think not a lot of 
people have seen it (I was not able to get feeback from it at Edimbourg for 
instance). And also Anne asked me to forward it again to 
sage-combinat-devel. So here it is :


I should reread it myself because I forgot what I wrote!


On Wednesday, January 23, 2013 11:16:17 AM UTC+1, Anne Schilling wrote:
> Hi Everyone! 
> Thanks, Harald and Andrew for your answers! 
> Andrew Ohana answered my questions regarding the planned move to git. 
> If I understand everything correctly, sage developers will be able to 
> pull the latest development version of sage in the future with the 
> git functionality (without downloading the latest release, installing 
> it with make (which takes many hours)). The huge advantage for us would 
> be that it would not be necessary any longer to maintain the sage-combinat 
> queue for several versions of sage (Mike Hansen (and I) spent many hours 
> yesterday to rebase the queue to sage-5.6 and keep backward compatibility 
> with earlier versions of sage). 
> Since there has been some discussion lately about the sage-combinat queue, 
> here are some new ideas after talking with Christian Stump and 
> Jason Bandlow (who is now working at Google and hence has a lot of 
> experience with how to manage projects): 
> - Instead of having a linearly ordered queue where we need to maintain 
> compatibility constantly by rebasing and there is no identified owner of 
> the 
> queue (rather only of individual patches), we should organize our patches 
> into 
> projects. There would be a "cluster project", "category project", "monoid 
> project" etc. There might be some dependencies, but not a lot more than 
> depth 1 or 2. For example the monoid project might depend on the category 
> project. Each project has an owner (or a small number of collaborators 
> that 
> own that project) and that owner keeps the project rebased against the 
> latest development version. Since the owner cares about his/her project, 
> this 
> is done whenever the owner works on the project (you first pull the latest 
> development version, rebase, and then work on your project). One would not 
> have to rely on others to rebase their patches first. 
> - If I personally want to use the code for several projects at the same 
> time, 
> I could make my own branch by applying projects A, B, C. If there is a 
> conflict, in my branch I can merge them in my branch and then work on top 
> of this. 
> The advantage of this system over the current linearly ordered queue is 
> that rebasing is only done when it is necessary (since ultimately we do 
> not know in which order patches are ready for integration into main 
> sage). 
> Best, 
> Anne 
> -------- Original Message -------- 
> Subject:         Re: Re: vision on moving to git 
> Date:         Tue, 22 Jan 2013 17:21:14 -0800 
> From:         R. Andrew Ohana <andrew...@gmail.com <javascript:>> 
> To:         William Stein <wst...@gmail.com <javascript:>>, Anne 
> Schilling <an...@math.ucdavis.edu <javascript:>> 
> Hi Anne, 
> On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 4:21 PM, William Stein 
> <wst...@gmail.com<javascript:><mailto:
> wst...@gmail.com <javascript:>>> wrote: 
>     ---------- Forwarded message ---------- 
>     From: "Harald Schilly" <harald....@gmail.com <javascript:> <mailto:
> harald....@gmail.com <javascript:>>> 
>     Date: Jan 22, 2013 4:10 PM 
>     Subject: Re: vision on moving to git 
>     To: <an...@math.ucdavis.edu <javascript:> <mailto:
> an...@math.ucdavis.edu <javascript:>>> 
>     Cc: <sage-comb...@googlegroups.com <javascript:> <mailto:
> sage-comb...@googlegroups.com <javascript:>>>, "William Stein" <
> wst...@gmail.com <javascript:> <mailto:wst...@gmail.com <javascript:>>> 
>     Hi, I'm not directly involved and William is probably not the best 
> person to ask. Just two links (it's late) 
>     https://groups.google.com/d/topic/sage-devel/z4jPFf_vlRY/discussion 
>     http://wiki.sagemath.org/WorkflowSEP 
>     Harald 
>     On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 12:02 AM, Anne Schilling <
> an...@math.ucdavis.edu <javascript:> 
> <mailto:an...@math.ucdavis.edu<javascript:>>> 
> wrote: 
>         Dear William and Sage-Git developers! 
>         At the current conference we had some discussions regarding the 
>         planned move to git in Sage. We have a couple of questions how you 
>         envision the change (in particular in view of discussing the 
>         workflow at Google that Jason Bandlow described to us). 
>         (1) Will the move mean that sage developers will be able to pull 
>         the latest "release" from the merge manager with git instead of 
>         having to download the latest version of Sage each time and having 
> to 
>         recompile the code with make? This would be a huge win since in 
>         particular this would mean for the Sage-combinat queue that we 
> would 
>         not have to maintain it for various versions of Sage any longer 
> since 
>         each developer can just pull and update to the latest version. 
> Yes and No. To really have this working properly with the ability to roll 
> back to a previously working state, we need a real package manager instead 
> of our current spkg system. That said, we are 
> planning to get rid of beta releases (while keeping release candidates) in 
> favor of just pulling down the latest revision along the development branch 
> (which the release manager(s) would have push 
> access to). To do that, we will have to move our upgrade system over to 
> what you mention, but with the caveat that if things break from an upgrade, 
> you can't downgrade to a previously working state. 
>         Not having this feature would be a huge hurdle for the 
> Sage-combinat queue 
>         since we do not know how to handle the fact that our 
> users/developers may be 
>         running different versions of Sage and hence would constantly 
> rebase 
>         their patches on top of their current version of sage. 
>         It would also save a lot of time! 
>         (2) Will you get rid of the trac server and integrate the 
>         submission of patches into the git workflow? This could be in the 
>         form of a git command that submits and then makes a website with 
>         the diffs where the reviewer can add comments. 
> I think the current general consensus is to stay on trac, but flesh out 
> its git functionality (which is builtin to the latest release). The main 
> issues with the git focused websites are that they have 
> very bad issue trackers. 
> The git command sort of stuff can be done with trac, David Roe did a bit 
> of work and a few tests with this last June. The intent is to have a small 
> sage development library (with scripts) to handle 
> this stuff, which will make it possible to avoid git for newbies with 
> small or isolated changes, as well as automate things such as reviewing 
> tickets for more advanced users. 
>         Harald, if you can address any of these questions in your talk 
>         tomorrow, that would be great! 
>         Anne 
> Hopefully that answers your questions, 
> -- 
> Andrew 

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