Thanks a lot Simon. Just trying to get my head around it now .... in order
to compare it to my problem, I need to convert the finite field part into
simple language that I can understand ...

Kind regards


On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 10:53 AM, Simon King <> wrote:

> Hi Gary,
> On 2013-04-22, Gary McConnell <> wrote:
> > I kind-of went quiet on this because Nicolas was way ahead of me :) ....
> > but (obviously only if you have time) I would be fascinated to hear how
> you
> > resolve this because I have some not dissimilar problems in finite field
> > vector spaces which may benefit from the techniques (see for example
> >
> )
> Before I explain my current heuristics, let's fix some notations:
> I have an approximation (knowing generators and relations out to a
> certain degree) of a graded commutative algebra R over a finite (prime)
> field F. I know a basis for the degree d part. I know a finite subset
> P of the ring approximation which is guaranteed to generate an ideal in
> R of Krull dimension 1. I have reasons to believe that there is a degree-d
> element p of the ring approximation such that P and p together generate an
> ideal of Krull dimension 0 in R (in fact, I know that there exists some
> finite extension F' of F such that R\otimes_F F' contains such element
> in degree d).
> The aim is to find p.
> Moreover, I have morphisms of graded algebras phi_i:R -> R_i (i=1,...,k),
> where the R_i are free graded commutative algebras. The construction of
> the phi_i ensures that a subset S of R generates an ideal of Krull
> dimension 0 in R if and only if phi_i(S) generates an ideal of Krull
> dimension 0 in R_i, for all i=1,...,k.
> And now comes the potentially most expensive part: I compute a Gröbner
> basis of the radical of phi_i(P) for all i=1,...,k. Hence, for each
> degree-d monomial s of R, I can compute the normal form of phi_i(s) with
> respect to the radical of phi(P). For each s, I combine the sequences of
> coefficients (for all i together) into a row.
> By Gaussian elimination, I get linear combinations c_1,...,c_t of the
> degree-d monomials of R, such that the rows obtained from c_1,...,c_t
> form a matrix in echelon form.
> For each i=1,...,k and each j=1,...,t, I can test whether phi_i(c_j) is
> contained in the radical of phi_i(P) or whether phi_i(P\cup c_j)
> generates an ideal of Krull dimension 0.
> By the dancing links algorithm, I try to find a subset
> c_{j_1},...,c_{j_r}, such that for each i=1,...,k there is precisely one
> c_{j_y} such that phi_i(P\cup c_{j_y}) generates an ideal of Krull
> dimension 0, and all others are mapped to an element of the radical of
> phi_i(P).
> It is easy to see that then the sum of the c_{j_1},...,c_{j_y} is an
> element p that I was looking for. Because of the intermediate step of
> computing an echelon form, it quite often happens that the dancing link
> algorithm succeeds. If it does not succeed, then I enumerate a bounded
> number (at most 512) of linear combinations of the c_{j_1},...,c_{j_y}.
> I have no idea if this heuristics is useful in your application. But in
> my situation, I see that it succeeds far more often than my previous
> heuristics (namely: try at most 512 linear combinations of degree-d
> monomials of R).
> Best regards,
> Simon
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