Hi Nicolas,

On 2013-05-01, Nicolas M. Thiery <nicolas.thi...@u-psud.fr> wrote:
> I definitely see your point about not multiplying the number of
> classes for no reason. The executive summary of the rant below is: I
> am very happy with your proposal; just don't call the parent of the
> paths "Quiver" but "QuiverPathMonoid" (or something similar)


> and don't
> inherit from DiGraph.

Why? If it does, then a PathMonoid can immediately tell you its
vertices, connectedness, it can show itself, etc.

"M.vertices()" is a lot more convenient than 

> Long version: we have four kinds of objects:
> (1) Digraphs
> (2) Quivers
> (3) monoids of paths in a quiver (a better name is to be found since it's
>     not exactly a monoid, but that's orthogonal to the discussion).
> (4) path algebras of quivers
> (1) and (2) are related by a isa relation: "a quiver is a digraph". So
> we could use the same class to model both quivers and digraphs. Or
> have a class Quiver that inherit from DiGraph.

Quiver is just another word for digraph (but mainly used by representation
theorists). Hence, I see no mathematical reason to have a new class for
quiver-the-digraph, and (1) is identical with (2)---we have three kinds of

If I look at Jim's code, then a Quiver differs from a digraph as
follows (and it *does* inherit from DiGraph):
a. It is supposed to be acyclic (and without loops)
b. It uses a UniqueFactory
c. It is immutable
d. It has a couple of methods that return representations, the path
   algebra and such stuff
e. The notion of paths is different.
f. paths are *contained* in a quiver ("path in quiver"), but quivers
   are no parent structures.

a. is not needed in much of the code. b. and c. are implementation details.
Actually I suggest to use UniqueRepresentation with an appropriate
__clascall__ instead.

d.-f. clearly shows that quivers in Jim's code are considered as algebraic
object, even though they are not implemented as such.

I think that my suggestion boils down to: "Be more consequent!"

I.e., do not implement quivers just with algebraic applications in mind, but
implement them *as* algebraic structures---and of course still inheriting
from DiGraph.

> (3) on the other hand should definitely be a separate class: the
> "monoid of paths in a quiver" is not a quiver and reciprocally.

Sure. (1) and (2) is DiGraph, and (3) is a new class. My working title for
this new class has been "Quiver", but it would be no problem to change it to

> If I recall correctly, at Sage Days 40 it was though better to not use
> DiGraph as main entry point, because this would mean polluting the
> namespace of DiGraph with many representation theoretical methods like
> "projective modules".


> So the options are:
> - Implement the class Quiver, and use it as main entry point:
>   sage: Quiver(...).projective_modules()

... which seems odd, since quiver *is* digraph.

> - Use something like QuiverPathMonoid as main entry point
>   sage: QuiverPathMonoid(...).projective_modules()

... which is what I suggest,

> - Use something like QuiverPathAlgebra as main entry point
>   sage: QuiverPathAlgebra(...).projective_modules()

... which would be fine, too. I wouldn't mind to have both ways.

And of course, we would like to have the following: If data are the
arguments used for creating a DiGraph, then we should have
   sage: PathMonoid(data) is PathMonoid(DiGraph(data))

Best regards,

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