On Wed, Jul 03, 2013 at 06:47:12AM -0700, Travis Scrimshaw wrote:
>       For the category of non-unital rings, how about Rngs? (I'm half joking.)

Actually that joke, for good or bad, is what's already been
implemented in successively Axiom, MuPAD, and Sage :-) They even had
Rigs. And Rgs.

But here we want to go further and remove all other axioms
(associativity, additive inverse, ...) but distributivity.

>    Somewhat more serious, GeneralAlgebras/GeneralRings? I think
>    overall we should be consistent between rings and algebras.

That would be a plus indeed.

>    On the math side of things, doesn't a ring in general has to be
>    distributive; if so, then I think (distributive) non-* rings
>    should be called *Rings and non-distributive things should be
>    MultiplicativeAndAdditiveMagmas (or maybe
>    AdditiveAndMultiplicativeMagmas).

Thanks for your input.

>    Also do we want/have a category for skew fields (a.k.a. division
>    rings)?

        sage: Rings().Division()
        Category of division rings
        sage: Rings().Division().Commutative()
        Category of fields
        sage: Rings().Division().Finite()
        Category of finite fields


Nicolas M. ThiƩry "Isil" <nthi...@users.sf.net>

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