Hi Anne !

> Some of us at Sage Days 65 are looking at the long list of methods that exist
> for certain objects, for example in the Permutation
> http://doc.sagemath.org/html/en/reference/combinat/sage/combinat/permutation.html#sage-combinat-permutation
> We like the list, but it appears in some arbitrary order. Also, is it 
> maintained by hand? This seems pretty
> inconvenient since it will very quickly be out of order.
> Could this be automatized?

Yes ! I've made some experiment a long time ago. I basically copy pasted and
adapted sphinx autosummary extension. See 


However, at that time some people though that is was better to sort the list
of method thematically by hand. AS far as I remember it is also possible to
have both that is to put some tag say ".. methodsummary" in the doc to
activate the summary. So it's doable, it shouldn't be too difficult. The
question is to know exactly what we want to have.



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