Hi Salvatore,

Am Mittwoch, 21. Oktober 2015 18:11:35 UTC+2 schrieb Salvatore Stella:
> sage: f in PolynomialRing(ZZ,'u0,u1,u2') 
> True 
> sage: f.degree() 
> 159 
> sage: len(f.monomials()) 
> 18105 
> sage: %time foo = f**2 
> CPU times: user 4min 30s, sys: 5 ms, total: 4min 30s 
> Wall time: 4min 30 
> Is there some clever way to save some time here or it is just hopeless? 
Isn't that a well-known type of benchmark?

There are of course asymptotically fast multiplication algorithms for 
polynomials. But I guess they are implemented in at least *some* of our 
integral polynomial backends. Anyway, schoolbook multiplication of a 
polynomial of length 18105 takes some time...


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