On Friday, 17 February 2017 17:18:20 UTC+11, Travis Scrimshaw wrote:
> Hey Andrew,
>> Yea, it comes from the fact that it is only a simple wrapped element and 
> doesn't do anything beyond forwarding the repr/latex/ascii-art outputs. I 
> go back and forth on whether or not to pass along some (all?) extra 
> methods. Probably the easiest thing to work with is the facade with the 
> ticket (at least if you don't care if the element belongs to this specific 
> parent).

There's certainly an argument for passing  magic methods along but then the 
question is where to you stop. One possibility would be to do something 

def __getattr__(self,attr):
    Any unrecognised method calls/attributes get passed on to the wrapped
        return getattr(self,attr)
    except AttributeError:

        return getattr(self.value,attr)
    except AttributeError:
        raise AttributeError, '%s has no attribute %s\n'%(self,attr)

Not sure what untended consequences something like this would have.

Anyway, your ticket solves my problem so thanks for that! (and my wrapped 
elements know their parents so a facade is fine)


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