On Fri, 27 Oct 2006 07:57:10 -0500, Bill Hart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> William Stein wrote:
>> Literals are parsed by the RealNumber command, which you can set to
>> whatever
>> you want (as I explained a day or two ago on sage-devel).
> Whoops, I see that now. I can't imagine how I managed to miss that. It
> works, thanks.
> By the way, I noted above that one more decimal place was being
> displayed for floats of the "default" precision of 53 bits than should
> be. This was slightly incorrect.
> This was also based on the assumption that the sign is not stored in
> that 53 bits, but I think it actually is stored there. Thus, here is my
> revised analysis:
> The binary value for a precision of 53 bits including a sign is correct
> to one part in 2^52. We want that to be less than the smallest decimal
> to be displayed. Now 1/2^52 = 2.22E-16. Thus for a decimal mantissa of
> 9.9999999... one wants the last digit displayed to be bigger than
> 10*2.22E^-16 = 2.22E-15, i.e. the last decimal digit of the mantissa
> displayed should be 1E-14, which implies there should be 15 significant
> decimal digits displayed. There are currently 17 displayed. Thus this
> needs to be reduced by 2.
> This example should give a suitable formula for any binary precision.

I like this.  I've implemented it.  I'm sure it will avoid a lot
of confusion in the future.


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