I feel like I'm jumping into this discussion late, but it's something  
I've been thinking about too...

On Oct 28, 2006, at 7:05 PM, William Stein wrote:

> Regarding ring and algebra elements, suppose x is in a ring R and y
> is in a K-algebra S.    We want to define what "x * y" means.  The
> most natural thing to me would be
>     x * y    is      K._coerce_(x) * y
> and that's it.  If no coerce map exists, fail.
> Am I missing something?  The above rule is definitely easy to  
> understand.
> William

I think if there is a natural coercion S -> R, one should also be  
able to do

      x * y = x * y.base_extend(R)

Right now something like

sage: R.<x> = ZZ['x']
sage: (1/2) * (x^2-x)

throws an "unable to find a common parent" type error. I am wondering  
if there are any (many) other cases where there is an unambiguous  
common parent that is not the parent of either "sibling." I think  
there should be generic code able to handle this for elements defined  
over a basering (e.g. polynomials, series, matrices, etc.) but  
perhaps there are other such situations too (e.g. the product of  
elements of two extensions of Q, though I haven't given thought to  
how messy this could become).


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