On Wed, 15 Nov 2006 19:13:06 -0800, Bill Hart  

> Also, Pari is not *that* tightly coded. FLINT also implements the
> Karatsuba method for multiplication of polynomials.
> I just timed it multiplying 10000 degree 255 polynomials with 1000 bit
> coefficients.
> The timing comparison is:
> Pari Karatsuba: 295s
> FLINT Karatsuba: 64s
> I've checked my code, made certain that the output is actually the same
> as given by the naieve method (which FLINT also implements), did an
> eyeball test to make sure I wasn't returning something that looked
> ridiculous.
> Basically, I believe we really can do Karatsuba that fast.
> This is even faster than NTL's Schoenhage-Strassen. Hard to believe,
> but I've just spent half an hour trying to disprove myself.
> I also don't know why my Pari timings are so much lower than William's
> timing (I used f*(g+i) to prevent cheating). I suggest it has to do
> with wall time versus actual cpu cycles.

I don't use wall time at all for timing pari computations.  I used
the gettime.  But I'm now getting more reasonable timings for PARI.

Here's the new benchmarks;

     MAGMA         28.840s
     PARI         134.156s
     SAGE         420s (current NTL *wrapper* ?? -- should be 130-ish)
     SINGULAR     839s
     Maple       2100s
     Mathematica 2075s
     GAP         2846s  (estimate)
     Maxima      5000s  (estimate)

Here's how I to do the PARI timing:

sage: v = [randint(0,2^1000) for _ in range(256)]
sage: w = [randint(0,2^1000) for _ in range(256)]
sage: R.<x> = PolynomialRing(ZZ)
sage: f = R(v)
sage: g = R(w)
sage: gp.eval('f=%s; g=%s;"";'%(f,g))
sage: gp.eval('gettime; for(i=1,100,f*(g+i)); gettime')
sage: gp.eval('gettime; for(i=1,100,f*(g+i)); gettime/1000.0')
sage: gp.eval('gettime; for(i=1,1000,f*(g+i)); gettime/1000.0')
sage: gp.eval('gettime; for(i=1,10000,f*(g+i)); gettime/1000.0')

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