On Jan 26, 2007, at 3:39 PM, Joel B. Mohler wrote:

> The integer object method "valuation" computes the p-Adic  
> valuation, but the
> polynomial object method "valuation" computes a different sort of  
> valuation.
> It seems to me that they could be more analogous, but maybe there's  
> something
> I'm not seeing.

It looks like the valuation function is basically returning the  
number of times f(x) is divisible by the linear polynomial x. So it's  
like a p-adic valuation, but only testing divisibility at a certain  
point. I guess it would make more sense for it to return the times  
number f is divisible by a linear factor (x - y), for arbitrary y.  
But that discriminates a bit against non-linear irreducible  
factors... so perhaps you want f.valuation(p), where p is an  
irreducible polynomial? What if it's not a UFD? If the base ring is a  
field, then I have no problems with that at all.

> I also don't really think that valuation is the best term to use  
> for the
> integer method.  I think it would be better named "ord", but I  
> don't know if
> that term is quite common enough.

I prefer valuation, but having ord as a synonym couldn't hurt.


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