On 2/18/07, Jason Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just learned what IANAL means, and indeed I am not a Lawyer, but
> point 3c of the Microsoft Permissive License appears to directly
> conflict with the GPL.

Why???  Sorry, but that's not at all clear to me.  Point 3c says: "(C) If
you distribute any portion of the software, you must retain all copyright,
patent, trademark, and attribution notices that are present in the

Doesn't this basically mean that you can't just make a derived work that is
the original work but with the copyright and other statements from the
original work deleted?  I'm not convinced that is GPL incompatible.

I.e.,  I agree with Martin that this isn't clearly incompatible.

There might be patent restrictions in the Microsoft license that could
render it "GPL incompatible". But those restrictions seem to me, as stated
in their license, might not be a problem. Here's the statement: "(B) If you
bring a patent claim against any contributor over patents that you claim are
infringed by the software, your patent license from such contributor to the
software ends automatically."

> Simplest solution: MS employees should ask lawyers at their company
> whether MS-PL is GPL2-compatible or not.

Said MS employees are naive about such stuff.   Moreover, it doesn't matter
what the MS lawyers say about GPL compatibility of their license, since it
doesn't make it so.

Anyway, the real question isn't "is the license GPL compatible", but "is
code under this license suitable for inclusion in SAGE"?   This is not a
well defined question, since it depends on the community, which is why I
greatly value your feedback.


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