El dj 22 de 02 del 2007 a les 08:15 -0500, en/na David Joyner va
> Hi Pere, good to hear from you again.
> 1. Nick Alexander's suggestions (e.g., coding theory over rings) are good 
> ones.
> 2. Another problem is to write code to compute the automorphism group of
> a linear code. It is surprisingly hard to write a fast algorithm to do
> this, even in the case of binary linear codes. I think this is an important
> problem though.

This problem could be good, I don't know why but I like to work on hard
problems ... Where could I find some documentation about it? Could you
help me to start on it?

> 3. At http://cadigweb.ew.usna.edu/%7Ewdj/gap/GUAVA/guava2do.html
> there is a list of projects for GUAVA, most or all of which are also
> possible SAGE projects.

Work on LDPC Codes could be another good idea .... Could I work on this
two project for now with SAGE ... what do you think?

Could you help me to start?

> 4. Two projects which I'm working on are
> (a) the zeta function of a linear code. There is an "experimental"
> version in the current SAGE distribution (look in linear_code.py)
> but I've completely rewritten it and no longer regard the code I have
> as experimental. If and when I get time I'll submit a patch (not
> until spring break at least).

This sound interesting .....

> (b) A complete description of the genus 0 AG codes. I'm not sure if SAGE's
> divisor classes even work in genus 0 so this may not be completed for
> quite awhile.

Thanks allot david!!!


> If any of this sounds interesting, please let me know.
> - David

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