On 3/27/07, David Harvey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >   Is there a much better way to find an inverse than
> > the extended euclidean algorithm?
> In general, I don't think so, but it's quite possible (in fact I
> think very likely) that magma has special code to deal with quadratic
> extensions, in which case obviously everything can be done much more
> efficiently.

Undoubtedly MAGMA has special code for quadratic fields.
I don't know the situation today, but for a very long time
my understanding is that MAGMA's quadratic field arithmetic was simply
a wrapper around the highly optimized quadratic field arithmetic in
the PARI C library.  (MAGMA used KANT for general number
fields and PARI for quadratic fields.)

> For more data points, you could try two things: (1) try the same
> tests as below, but for a more complicated number field, at least
> degree 4, with a pretty random looking defining polynomial, and (2)
> compare magma's performance in quadratic fields against its general
> number field stuff.


Also, consider creating the same loops in %sagex block in the notebook.
It's very good to have a sense of how that performs as well, since writing
in SageX is an important and viable option when writing in SAGE.

 -- Willia

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