On 3/28/07, Yi Qiang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm getting an error trying to clone from a fresh
> >
> > robert-bradshaws-computer:~/sage/current/devel robert$ sage -clone
> > spring
> > Now cloning the current SAGE library branch...
> > hg clone  sage sage-spring
> > abort: No such file or directory: sage-spring/.hg/store/data/sage/
> > schemes/elliptic__curves/ell__rational__field.py.d
> > Error cloning
> I am getting the same error as well.

After looking at this for a minute, I still have no clue what could possibly
cause this.   Someone will have to look more deeply into how
cloning and hg work.  In the meantime, it's probably just
as good to do
    cd SAGE_ROOT/devel
    cp -arv sage-main sage-spring    # use "cp -prv" on OS X.
    rm sage
    ln -s sage-spring sage


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