On 4/23/07, didier deshommes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I've noticed 2 problems with tne notebook:

These are both design decisions rather than bugs.

> -- When running sage in notebook mode from a directory other than
> SAGE_ROOT (btw, I'm glad I can finally do this),

One could run the notebook from any directory ever since the
notebook was first released.

> SAGE reads/writes my
> worksheets in $CURR_DIR/sage_notebook.

That's the design.  If you type
   "sage -notebook"
or type the notebook command but don't give a directory name,
then the default notebook sage_notebook in the current directory
is created and run.   The same is true for the wiki (e.g., type wiki() to
run a wiki from the current directory).

> For example, iI'm running SAGE from:
> {{{
> /home/dfdeshom/custom/sage/devel/sage-main
> }}}
> Running sage in notebook mode, I read this on top of the page:
> {{{
> SAGE Notebook running from /home/dfdeshom/custom/sage/devel/sage-main/
> sage_notebook.
> }}}
> And in fact, a directory is created and my worksheet is there. Is
> there any way to prevent this? Maybe there should be a NOTEBOOK_DIR
> variable set so that every worksheet created is forced to live in
> SAGE_ROOT/sage_notebook?

How do you start the notebook?  Do you type "notebook()" from in SAGE
or do you type "sage -notebook" on the command line?  If you start the notebook
from the command line, you might just create a little shell script that cd's
to SAGE_ROOT and then runs "sage -notebook":

   cd /home/dfdeshom/custom/sage/
   ./sage -notebook

> -- When running SAGE from $SAGE_ROOT, every time I create a new
> worksheet, it is created in "GAP mode" (a new feature in 2.4.2, I
> think).

The mode thing has been in SAGE since when the notebook was introduced.
But the interface to use it is sucks, as you've discovered.  I'm
amazed I haven't
improved it yet, but I've been so busy with other things.

> This does not happen when I run it from a non-standard
> directory. How do I get out of this mode?

>From in SAGE do this:
    sage: notebook(system="sage")
At some point you must have typed notebook(system="gap") which sets
that copy of the notebook to create GAP worksheets by default.  You can
also do notebook(system="maple") so that SAGE will create only maple
worksheets by default.  Existing worksheets in the notebook aren't affected --
just new ones use the given system (and always will in the future).  This
is actually a pretty cool feature; my impression is that a lot of people use
SAGE mainly for this feature.

> On a related note, how is GAP mode implemented in the notebook? I've
> been dreaming of writing Maple programs via the notebook since Maple's
> own worksheet mode gets in my way (es)

Just try notebook(system="maple").  Actually anyone can easily make modes
for anything -- if you start sage after typing notebook(system="foo"), then
all input cells get passed to foo.eval(...) and the result gets
displayed.  That's
it.  So if you add a foo object with an eval method, you get the option of
a foo mode.    E.g., Bobby Moretti easily made a jsmath mode this way; in fact,
just try notebook(system="jsmath") to get jsmath notebooks.  You can always
go from one mode to another in a given worksheet by putting %modename
at the top.


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