It is taking me along time to get much but what I have so far is at

On 5/6/07, David Harvey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On May 6, 2007, at 3:37 AM, William Stein wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm doing a redesign of the SAGE website to target SAGE much
> > more at end users rather than developers (I think the tipping
> > point has now arrived, since about 500 people downloaded
> > SAGE in the last two weeks...)  Anyways, your comments
> > on the mockup here would be welcome:
> I think it's generally a big improvement.
> >
> > (Note that links to actual downloads etc might not work.)
> > My questions are mainly:
> >   (1) do the pages look:
> >      -- visually appealing
> >      -- simple and clean
> Yes.
> >      -- convey all the necessary information (i.e., I'm not missing
> >          key things that used to be there)
> I reckon the "Use SAGE online" or "Live Tutorial" should somehow be
> more prominent. If I had to pick something on the middle four links
> to change, I would change "Developers" to "Live Tutorial". If you're
> aiming to suck in the general audience, it's the tutorial. Potential
> developers are probably better at picking out the links they need
> from the bar at the top without having it shoved down their throat.
> (But it's not a big deal.)
> I'm not sure I like the slogan "Free Open Source Mathematics Software
> for All". The "for All" bit grates a bit with me. Sounds too much
> like something a politician would say.
> >   (2) does the text on the front page reasonably convey what
> >        SAGE is to somebody who say has never heard of programs
> >        like GAP and PARI, and just wants to know if SAGE might
> >        be for them?
> Yes.
> Where you have "Use SAGE from the command line", I think the
> reference to the command line should go to the *end* of the
> paragraph, i.e. just start the paragraph talking about the web
> interface, which is probably what the general audience wants to see,
> and then at the end have a sentence like "You can also run SAGE
> scripts from the command line, or use SAGE in the interactive text-
> based IPython shell". A humungous proportion of people will get
> freaked out when they hear the word "command line" (if they've heard
> of "command line" at all).
> >   (3) Does the front page text seem to much like sales talk?
> >        Compared to Maple or Mathematica's web pages it's nothing
> >        (those pages are gut-wrenchingly obnoxious),
> >        but it might still be too much.
> You could lose the sentence "Don't get trapped into using only one
> mathematical software system" without really losing anything. It does
> sound a bit like a late-night TV ad.
> Be a little careful calling MAGMA commercial software. But I don't
> know how to rephrase it without getting very wordy.
> On the mailing list pages you have sage-devel listed twice, same with
> sage-announce.
> david
> >

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