I'm kind of late jumping into this thread, but I have some concerns.  
Unless the factorization is known completely (or gcd's are taken on  
the unknown part), I still think this can lead to combinatorial  
explosion fairly quickly. For example,

sage: from  sage.rings.fraction_field_cache import FractionField_cache
sage: from  sage.rings.fraction_field import FractionField_generic

sage: R.<x,y,z>=QQ[]
sage: T = [ZZ.random_element()*x + ZZ.random_element()*y +  
ZZ.random_element()*z for _ in range(10)];
sage: S = [prod(random_sublist(T, .2)) for _ in range(50)]

sage: Q=FractionField_cache(R,auto_reduce=False)
sage: time f = sum([~Q(s) for s in S])
CPU times: user 6.41 s, sys: 0.01 s, total: 6.42 s
Wall time: 6.45
sage: len(str(f))
sage: time f.reduce()
^C ### Got really tired of waiting after 10 min....
sage: sage: time f(2,3,4)
CPU times: user 9.68 s, sys: 0.03 s, total: 9.71 s
Wall time: 10.08

sage: sage: Q=FractionField_generic(R)
sage: time f = sum([~Q(s) for s in S])
CPU times: user 0.15 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 0.15 s
Wall time: 0.15
sage: len(str(f))
sage: time f.reduce() # it's already reduced, but it doesn't know that
CPU times: user 0.00 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 0.00 s
Wall time: 0.00
sage: time f(2,3,4)
CPU times: user 0.00 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 0.00 s
Wall time: 0.00

That being said, I think it could maybe have its use, as could a  
general factored element ring (though I too can't think of any uses  
off the top of my head).

- Robert

On May 27, 2007, at 10:03 AM, Michel wrote:

> Hi,
> The current implementation of fraction fields is slow. This is very
> apparent for rings with a slow gcd algorithm. But even if this is not
> the
> case then constantly taking gcd's eventually becomes a major
> bottleneck.
> See the example below which uses the new libSingular.
> It was pointed out on this list that not taking gcd's at every step
> quickly leads to combinatorial explosion when evaluating polynomials
> with
> a large number of terms.
> I think I have found a solution for this last problem. The trick is to
> cache partial partial factorizations of denominators. I.e. for example
> if we performa an addition a/b+c/d=(ad+cb)/ad then we remember that
> the denominator
> ad is really a*d. If next time we have to add (ad+cb)/ad+(c/d)^2 we
> can
> take as new denominator ad^2 instead of ad^3.
> I have created a new FractionField_cache implementation which uses
> this idea.
> See
> http://emis.uhasselt.be/sage_patches/fraction_field_cache.
> The specific patch is here
> http://emis.uhasselt.be/sage_patches/fraction_field_cache/ 
> factor_cacheing.patch
> It depends on the one_element patch by William. It creates three new
> files
> factor_cache.pyx
> fraction_field_cache.py
> fraction_field_element_cache.py
> and modifies setup.py (to build the extension factor_cache). To use
> the
> new implementation do
> from  sage.rings.fraction_field_cache import FractionField_cache
> Example (using the new libSingular)
> sage: from  sage.rings.fraction_field_cache import FractionField_cache
> sage: R.<x,y,z>=QQ[]
> sage: Q=FractionField_cache(R,auto_reduce=False)
> sage: def t():((x+y+z)**20)(Q(1,x+y),y,y**100).reduce()
> ....
> sage: time t()
> CPU times: user 2.11 s, sys: 0.02 s, total: 2.13 s
> Wall time: 2.27                <== compare this
> sage: from  sage.rings.fraction_field import FractionField_generic
> sage: Q=FractionField_generic(R)
> sage: def t():((x+y+z)**20)(Q(1,x+y),y,y**100)
> ...
> sage: time t()
> CPU times: user 12.49 s, sys: 0.06 s, total: 12.54 s
> Wall time: 14.36              <== to this
> For more benchmarks see
> http://emis.uhasselt.be/sage_patches/fraction_field_cache/summary.log
> http://emis.uhasselt.be/sage_patches/fraction_field_cache/ 
> benchmark.log
> Yet more benchmarks can be created with the following program
> http://emis.uhasselt.be/sage_patches/fraction_field_cache/benchmark.py
> Notes:
> (1) When testing, please be careful to use the constructor
> Q(num,denom) to create
> fractions. A FractionField_cache constructed using __init__ is of
> course not globally unique. So fractions of the form num/denom will
> live in a FractionField_generic and not in Q.
> (2) I did not look at coercions although if there are problems they
> should
> be trivial to fix.
> (3) The actual cacheing of partial factorizations of denominators
> is done in the extension "factor_cache". Please read the docstring
> there
> for the implementation.
> (4) I hope to write an implementation of the subresultant algorithm
> for
> poly_dicts (if someone else does not do it). Then every polynomial
> ring will have a fallback gcd algorithm (if the base ring has one).
> Although I think I can optimize it quite a bit this algorithm will
> of course be slower than more specialized ones. For this I would
> like the FractionField implementation to be more optimized.
> Question: What should I do now? I think the implementation of
> FractionField_cache
> improves upon the implementation of FractionField_generic. Please
> give some feedback.
> Michel
> PS. I has been discussed to perform the final reduce only for example
> if a fraction
> is printed. I have not done this yet since it makes benchmarking
> somewhat more
> tricky. But I can do this if people think this is a better solution.

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