> > Fantastic!  The naming convention for spkgs that includes the .pn
> > post-fix where n labels the spkg version is probably not needed now.
> > My understanding is that label was loosely used as a sort of version
> > control.  I think simply having the hg repo for each solves that
> > problem.  Also, there doesn't seem to be any real consistent approach
> > for updating those numbers.  My though would be to get rid of them.
> Then SAGE wouldn't know that the package had been updated.
> Those version numbers are used to determine whether it is
> necessary to install a package.

I didn't know SAGE was actually using them.  Is this when sage -update
is run?  My understanding is that the decision to upgrade something
was based on the timestamps if the files compared with the stub in the
installed directory.  Am I mistaken.

Is there a standard approach for these version numbers?  At times I
have seen a projects version number upgraded, but the .pn version
number remain the same.  For instance, the python spkg is named:


But I don't think the .p3 means the third version of the spkg for
python-2.5.1.  This seems a bit confusing to me.  Especially because
some spkgs don't have a .pn version, even though they were updated.  I
don't mind having a version that denotes the spkg version, I just want
to make sure that those version number are consistent and standardized
and have a purpose that is not redundant.  Could we use md5 sums for
this?  In many cases, I do this anyway, because the .pn version number
is not a reliable way of determining if an spkg has changed.

> > The other thing that I am not sure how to handle (part of this is my
> > lack of experience with hg) is the names of the directories
> > themselves, for example:
> >
> > freetype-2.1.10.spkg
> >
> > When freetype gets upgraded to 2.1.11, do we simply rename the
> > directory to freetype-2.1.11?  Will hg be happy with that?  Sorry, I
> > just don't know how hg treats directory renames.
> With hg it's just that there is a directory .hg instead freetype-2.1.10.
> Hg has no idea what the directory is called that it is in, and it doesn't
> care.
> We will need an easy SAGE tool to merge two versions of a package,
> e.g., to pull from a latest published version of the package, to take
> to freetype-* packages, say that I and didier made, and -- with
> almost no work -- merge them into a single new package.   This can
> easily be automated, by calling "hg pull", then using "sage -pkg".
> > > One note: I would prefer that READMET.txt be kept as SAGE.txt (or
> > > renamed to something else) because then it would be clear that
> > > modifications were made to the spkg. I tend to ignore README.txt's
> > > anyway because they don't tell you why you should read them.
> >
> > I agree that README.txt is a little confusion, but because the spkgs
> > are being used outside of SAGE, I would name the file something that
> > emphasizes that it is really the readme for the spkg:
> >
> > SPKG.txt
> >
> > or something like that.
> One issue is that it isn't a readme, actually.  It's a description of how
> the package was made.

True, then maybe SPKG.txt makes more sense?  Or maybe BUILD-NOTES.txt?

> >  One of the things I have been working on (on
> > my private copies) is to decouple the spkg build system from the
> > details of sage itself.  This has mostly meant changing the name
> > "sage" to "spkg" in the context of the build system.
> > > On 6/1/07, Brian Granger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > 2.  The other scripts/makefiles involved in the spkg build process -
> > > > like newest_version, install, save-env, etc.
> > >
> > > sage-env is under version control, but the others aren't.
> >
> > > >
> > > > 3.  The overall directory structure that contains the
> > > > scrips/makefiles.  The reason this is important is that most of the
> > > > scripts make strong assumptions about where they are run from.  Also,
> > > > as I have begun refactoring, some of the scripts have been moved
> > > > around (for instance newest_version has been moved to
> > > > base/spkg-newest-version).  Managing this without the associated
> > > > directory structure is a pain.
> > >
> > > Are you talking about the scripts in SAGE_ROOT/local/bin ? Because
> > > they are under version control (this is where sage-env lives too).
> >
> > I am talking about the both the directory structure that is needed for
> > the script/makefiles to function properly:
> >
> > spkg/
> >     standard/
> >     base/
> >
> > As well as the actual scripts and makefiles (deps, install,
> > newest-version, etc) that have to be in particular locations in that
> > tree to work properly.  For instance, deps as to be in standard,
> > install in spkg newest-version in standard, and a bunch of stuff has
> > to be in base.
> >
> > Once the overall structure of these new spkgs have settled down, I
> > will start to convert my private spkgs (I have things like (qt and
> > pyqt4, and a bunch of other things) into this form.  Then contributing
> > them will be really simple.
> William
> >

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