Recently I was doing some middleweight polytope calculations - meaning
stuff that takes about 15 minutes to compute on a nice machine - and
the convex_hull call to polymake began to hang at a certain point.
The faster your machine, the bigger a polytope you need to reproduce
this, but its a pretty robust bug.

The problem seems to lie in some sort of deadlock with the popen3 call
in the cmd method of the Polytope class in  I can "fix"
this by simply deleting the error-checking code and moving the
stdin.close() command - i.e. at the end of the cmd definition I have

        stdin, stdout, stderr = os.popen3(c)
        #err =
        #if len(err) > 0:
        #    raise RuntimeError, err
        ans =
        if len(ans) == 0:
            raise ValueError, "%s\nError executing polymake command
        self.__data = open(F).read()
        return ans

and it seems to work fine on my bigger polytopes.  In searching the
source, I noticed that there are similar constructions elsewhere, and
so this may be a pervasive problem.

I have become confused trying to understand the finer points of popen,
popen2, popen3, popen4, and popen2.Popen3, subprocess,
os.system, ....python seems to have a bewildering array of such
functions.  I would be interested in any opinions.  Doug Hellman seems
to have some clearly written thoughts up at

on subprocess.

If I can get a little help and insight on this I will try to write a


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