Reporting (a little late) a successful build of 2.7 followed by a good
upgrade to on Feisty Fawn Core2Duo 1GB.

I noticed my last name was misspelled in the credits...
It is D. Raymer instead of 'Ramier'.


On 7/20/07, William Stein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 7/20/07, Pablo De Napoli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Concerning (2)
> >
> > I think that if a gfortran it is already installed in the system, it
> > would be reasonable to use rather than downloading a binary.
> Issues:
>   (1) If it's gfortran 3.x then it will fail miserably at building
> certain components of SAGE.
>   (2) The current gfortran.spkg already does attempt to autodetect
> gfortran and if it is there it
>        doesn't install a binary.  It is too restrictive, as once
> pointed out before.
> > (gfortran
> > is in fact, a standard part of gcc, if gcc from the host system is
> > used for compiling the parts of sage writen in C, why not doing the
> > same with Fortran code?
> I don't understand this comment.  Many many systems have gcc/g++
> installed but not gfortran.  For example, OS X's Xcode doesn't include
> any Fortran, and there are at least 3 different competing gfortran
> binaries
> for OS X out there.   Similarly with Linux, there are various builds
> of gfortran, and often systems don't have it installed at all (about
> half my test linux systems).   Also, e.g., if you install the standard
> Fedora Core 7 (32-bit) gfortran it will fail to compile SAGE, whereas
> the one we package works.   There is also another GNU fortran
> called g95, which competes with gfortran (even though both are
> GNU projects).   For whatever reason, the fortran compiler situation
> is a total nightmare in comparison to C/C++.
> > I think that in order to increce the aceptance of Sage, it would be
> > important that Sage be included in all Linux distributions, especially
> > it would be nice to have a Debian/Ubuntu package (and a Gentoo
> > ebuild). But in order to make it easier, it would be nice if Sage
> > could be build using the tools already available in the host system.
> I agree. Please help.
> > Perhaps using the binary for gfortran could be make it optional as a
> > last resource if everything else fails.
> Determining that "everything else fails" doesn't make sense, because
> you basically wouldn't know that happened until it is too late.
> It's really very difficult to appreciate the problem and difficulty with
> packaging scipy to build easily on a wide range of platforms if you
> haven't spent significant time working on it, so I don't have much more
> to say on this point, except that Josh and I will investigate some other
> solutions, possibly including switching from gfortran to g95 binaries
> (since g95 has vastly vastly better support for pre-built binaries that
> gfortran).
> -- William
> >

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