Congratulations on your result. This is a very useful project and I am
sure that nearly all computational number theorists will be very
interested in the outcomes. If you do it properly, you could even
considering submitting it to ANTS (it's not really mathematics,
because the objects of study are the programs, not the mathematics,
but because of the importance a good benchmarking will be very
interesting. At the least worth a poster at ANTS)

t is really useful to do a fair comparison between Pari and Magma. I
would expect those two to be the leaders anyway. I would suggest
running the timings, including the magma code you are using, past, for
instance, Claus Fieker. It is in their interest to let magma come out
well and if your tests show that it is hard to let magma choose the
right parameters, they may improve the interface. The subexponential
algorithms are very similar to the number field sieve and tuning the
algorithms is very subtle and sensitive to the input.

 - I know the KANT/KASH project concentrated on larger degree, not
large discriminant.
Your fields do not really get into the large degree range (that would
be more like degree 6 and up I would think)

 - Degree 2 is really special. You may want to talk to Michael
Jacobson (University of Calgary) about that. He has worked on some
really big computations for those and may be willing to share code/

 - The "BachBound/40" should *only* come into play if *checking* that
the full class group has been found takes considerable time. For
higher degree or larger discriminant fields, you expect that you can
easily find enough relations on a factor base much smaller than the
minkowskibound, but at the same time, the factor basis should not be
chosen too small. Sure, you only have to find very few relations then,
but for a very small factor base they may be very hard to find. By
feeding magma a smaller bound, you may be putting it at a
disadvantage. Are you using SetClassGroupBounds? It takes two bounds:
one for the factor basis, the other for checking the class group.

 - Representation  of the field can make a *huge* difference. Doing a
is sometimes *much* faster than
(note that you should be timing the LLL and MaximalOrder separately)
I have also seen examples where changing the representation of K (take
a different generating element) hugely
affects the running time (from not finising to finishing in a second)
>From what I understand from the experts, the heuristics for finding
relations are largely black art.

 - If at all possible, you should split your timings in
   1) finding the class group (i.e., finding sufficient relations to
get consistent unit and class group info)
   2) verifying the class group information (checking that the ideals
not in the factor base but below the bach bound, minkowski bound or
whatever you want to use have classes that are already generated by
the factor basis)
   since these are very distinct operations.

 - You seem to be picking your fields by choosing random generating
polynomials. The lattices of their integer rings may have very
different properties from fields that actually arise in practice
(composite fields etc.). I don't have a good alternative, but you may
invest some time in thinking about other kinds of fields and seeing if
the algorithms behave similarly on them.

 - I recall somebody telling me that the newest versions of pari are
using a customized GRH dependent bound. Apparently, they actually look
at the L-series of the field and analyze some zero-free region to
improve the Bach bound. If they are really doing that, and doing it
correctly, that would eliminate the objection brought forward in the
magma documentation (except that the results are still conditional on
GRH by default).

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