
I have a few design questions that I would like to discuss and they
are relevant to both SymPy and SAGE, so I am posting to both

We are currently redesigning the class hierarchy in SymPy so that:


  Add(sin, cos)



are valid constructions. Here (Add(sin, cos))(1) will produce
Add(sin(1), cos(1)). So that we can use both applied (sin(x)) and
unapplied (sin) functions.

2) we have the least amount of classes in there

For details, see:


However, there are some longterm questions:

1) when you type sin(x), it's an instance of the class "sin". Now, all
classes in Python should be CamelCase, so we should rather use
"Sin(x)". Currently, SymPy/SAGE/Maple uses "sin(x)", while Mathematica
uses "Sin[x]".

What is your opinion about this? See also:


I'd very much like to obey Python conventions, because this is what
people expect when seeing the code for the first time. Of course we
can do something like


so that people can use both. But I am against it, since there should
be just one way of doing things. And especially, there should be just
one way how things are done both inside and outside SymPy, i.e. there
shouldn't be one way how to create functions in SymPy core and another
way how users will create functions.

So for the time being, we use lower case name of some classes in
SymPy, like "sin", "cos", so that we don't break the current code.

2) I was looking at how this is done in SAGE.calculus:

There is:

class Function_sin(PrimitiveFunction):

sin = Function_sin()
_syms['sin'] = sin


sage: from sage.calculus.calculus import Function_sin
sage: sin(x)
sage: Function_sin()(x)
sage: type(sin)
<class 'sage.calculus.calculus.Function_sin'>
sage: type(sin(x))
<class 'sage.calculus.calculus.SymbolicComposition'>

So first there are two ways how to create a sin(x): "sin(x)", or
"Function_sin()(x)" and second everything is an instance of
SymbolicComposition. Currently in SymPy it's very similar, there is
Sin and ApplySin, Cos and ApplyCos (in sage you just use
SymbolicComposition for all those ApplySin, ApplyCos,...). In SymPy,
it's a mess and we are changing that.

How do you test, if "e" is of type sin?

In SymPy, we would like to do this:

e = sin(x)
print isinstance(e, sin)

(currently on needs to do isinstance(e, ApplySin), but this is going
to be changed)

In SymPy, we are just going to try a very simple approach and see how
it goes, see the 329 issue above for details.

2) What is your position on this:

sage: (sin(x)).taylor(x, 0, 5)
x - x^3/6 + x^5/120
sage: taylor(sin(x), x, 0, 5)
x - x^3/6 + x^5/120

shouldn't there be just one way how to do series expansion? In SymPy
we also have those 2 ways - but it's kind of inconsistent, we have it
for some methods, but not all. My own opinion is more in favor of
removing all those module level functions (like taylor, expand), if
there is a corresponding method. But there are other opinions as well.


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