On 9/19/07, mabshoff
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Well, we had
some more discussion in #sage-devel and rpw posted an
> interesting link:
> http://magma.maths.usyd.edu.au/users/allan/gcdcomp.html
> In summary: Singular's multivariate GCD is slower by orders of
> magnitude. Magma's algorithms are described at:
> http://www.msri.org/about/computing/docs/magma/html/text587.htm
> I don't know how current the documentation is, though.

I think those timings are way out of date, since Singular 3 seems
to be *very* fast at mod p multivariate GCD computation, even
though it sucks over QQ.   Check out this paper:


It on exactly the problem of GCD over QQ (or equiv ZZ),
and section 2 has a complete description of a gcd algorithm
that reduces gcd over ZZ to doing gcd's mod p.

Who wants to be a hero -- like Jon Bober and number of partitions --
and implement this for Sage, so that multivariate GCD's aren't
embarrassingly slow in Sage anymore?   This slowness *has*
been something reported to me on several occasions during
the last 2 years:


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