On Sep 19, 2007, at 6:26 PM, John Voight wrote:

> Hi Robert!
> Thanks very much for your message.
>>> That's probably what is going on.  My Cython routine creates and
>>> returns a list of integers: it's begins as a cdef int[], and
>>> apparently it doesn't like it when I just return that, so I just do
>>> something silly like
>>>   return [ self.a[i] for i in range(self.n) ]
>> Can declare the return type of cdef functions to be int* or whatever
>> (though if you returned an int* that you allocated, things you would
>> have to remember to free it later on (exactly once). Also, if you
>> have a function that returns a list of ints, you could pass it in a
>> list to fill rather than going via python lists.
> I need to def my functions so they can be accessed from Python calls.
> The latter suggestion is a good one, and so I implemented it.  I was
> hoping it would save some time, but alas.  I guess if I did everything
> in Cython...  :)

Well, if it's just returning the result of a long computation, it  
shouldn't matter, but if it's getting called 100s of times a second  
then it could make a difference.

>> Another thing I noticed is that you are using "range" a lot. A much
>> faster syntax is "for i from 0 <= i < n" which is the same as "for i
>> in range(n)" but literally 100+ times faster (make sure all your loop
>> indices are cdef'd though).
> I made this change throughout and unfortunately it made no visible
> difference to my final runtime.  I made sure to cdef the indices.  I
> wonder if the effect is negligible over such small ranges?

Hmm... it all depends on how much time is spent going around the loop  
vs. in a single iteration of the loop. For instance, it would make a  
huge difference in eval_seq_as_poly, but not as much in incr(). And  
if, for instance, all the time is being spent in calculating the  
discriminant rather than in incr() it would hardly make a difference  
at all. You would have to profile you code to see (I assume you've  
done this...)

>> One thing I noticed when going through your code is that you
>> try to free memory in the __del__ function, which is the wrong place
>> (don't ask my whey they named it as such). This should be done in a
>> __dealloc__ function instead (which is perhaps leading to one memory
>> leak, but it looks like it only happens once.
> Thanks!  I couldn't find a good reference for this--and so I made a
> naive assumption about what __del__ was supposed to do!  :)

Yeah, it's not the best choice of names. Even worse is __new__ which  
means a totally different thing in Python and Pyrex. (I think it  
should probably be renamed to __alloc__).

- Robert

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