On Sep 26, 2007, at 8:59 PM, Jason Grout wrote:

> Robert Bradshaw wrote:
>> The sage coercion model guarantees that when x.__add__(y) is called
>> (well, technically x._add_ or x._add_c_impl), the argument y is of
>> the same type and parent as x. For example
>> sage: R.<x> = ZZ[]
>> sage: x+1/2
>> x + 1/2
>> sage: parent(x)
>> Univariate Polynomial Ring in x over Integer Ring
>> sage: parent(1/2)
>> Rational Field
>> sage: parent(x+1/2)
>> Univariate Polynomial Ring in x over Rational Field
>> In your case, someone could type
>> sage: g = CompleteGraph(5)
>> sage: g+1  # will call g.__add__(1)
>> ???
>> which you have to deal with. Typically, just throw an error if it's
>> not a graph. But what about graph + digraph? Digraph + digraph? Etc.
>> Should graph + x be a new graph with a new (unconnected) vertex 'x'?
> Thanks for the explanation of the coercion model.  That is a very nice
> way to do things.

It's the product of a lot of work by a lot of people.

> As for graphs, there isn't a standard definition for the "+" operation
> that is agreed upon, even for graphs of the same type (e.g., should it
> be disjoint union or union?).  That's why I was asking about custom
> infix operators, so I could make a disjoint_union infix operator,  
> which
> was clearly different than the union operator, which was clearly
> different than whatever else.  Another reason for custom infix  
> operators
> was to allow for all sorts of different kinds of products (just  
> look at
> the Graph class to see many examples), any of which could be  
> represented
> as "graph * graph".

The same issue came up with vector * vector. It used to be pairwise  
product, but most people expected dot product, so that was changed.  
In any case, the old operations should probably be left as methods  
and __add__ would dispatch to one of them.

I think (normal) union is the best way to define it, as graphs are  
like sets + edges, and for sets + does the normal union thing. I  
don't think there's a way to make new infix operators, and am not  
sure that is a good idea anyway. The logic operators of __or__ and  
__and__ might make sense for union and intersection though.

> The best I've come up with at this point is, given graphs  
> A,B,C,D,E, the
> union is:
> A.union(B).union(C).union(D).union(E)

I actually think that this looks very clear, despite the lack of  
infix operators.

> where the union function returns the modified graph each time so I can
> keep chaining union function calls.  The union actually modifies the
> graph A, so if you want A left alone and a new graph returned, you do:
> newgraph=A.copy().union(B).union(C).union(D).union(E)
> Comments?  Is there a better way to do things?

I would rather union returns a new object rather than modifying A,  
it's much easier to reason about code that way, and fits better with  
the rest of SAGE. One could provide a different method to do union in  
place if one needs.

> With time, I suppose the graph theory community will settle on a
> commonly accepted meaning for "graph + graph", but as far as I
> understand, that hasn't happened yet.
> Thanks,
> -Jason

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