I realize that the answer to this is probably a resounding "NO!", but:  are you 
planning to support the debugging of Cython code?

On Sun, 30 Sep 2007, Ted Kosan wrote:

> SAGEIDE version .02 has been released and it can be obtained here:
> http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/tkosan/sageide_dist.02.zip
> Here is a screenshot of SAGEIDE:
> http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/tkosan/sageide0.png
> The installation instructions are very simple:
> 1) A recent version of the Java JRE must first be installed on your machine.
>   The latest version of the JRE can be obtained from http://java.com.
> 2) Unzip the archive into a directory of your choice.
> 3) Change to the sagelaunch directory and execute the
>   simple_ajax_twisted_sage.py program using SAGE.
> 4) Execute the 'run.bat' script or the 'run.sh' script to launch SAGEIDE.
> I would like to thank Alex Clemesha for creating the following simple
> SAGE server application because it allows SAGEIDE to easily
> communicate with SAGE (adding the ability to communicate with the
> standard SAGE server will occur sometime in the future):
> http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/agc/simple_ajax_twisted_sage.py
> Feedback is welcome :-)
> Ted
> >

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