Hi all,

I'd like to discuss this abelian group thing a bit further, from the  
point of view of design issues rather than algorithms.

Currently in SAGE the situation appears to be the following. An  
AbelianGroup represents a (not necessarily finite) abelian group  
whose structure is *known*; i.e. to even create the group object, you  
need to specify generators and invariants. In fact, even the parent  
class Group derives from ParentWithGens, so it seems to be impossible  
to define a "group" whose generators are unknown.

What I want to be able to do is create an object representing an  
abelian group whose structure is *not* a priori known, i.e. is  
expensive to compute. This is analogous to, for example, creating a  
matrix by specifying the entries, and then later on asking for other  
information like the rank, which is an expensive computation, and is  
subsequently cached.

The main example I'm interested in at the moment is:

* The group of K-rational points on a jacobian of an algebraic curve  
over k, where k and K/k are finite fields.

Other examples:

* The class group of a number field.
* The multiplicative group of Z/nZ.
* Like the Jacobian example above, but with the fields not finite  
(e.g. the rational points on an elliptic curve over Q)

In these examples, it is easy to describe the group law, and it is  
relatively easy to write down some elements of the group, but it is  
difficult (or even impossible!) to compute the structure of the group.

Consider the example of an elliptic curve E over a finite field k.  
Currently, when I call E.abelian_group(), it tries to compute the  
structure and return that as an AbelianGroup:

sage: F = GF(17)
sage: E = EllipticCurve(F, [2, 5])
sage: E.abelian_group()
(Multiplicative Abelian Group isomorphic to C18, ((5 : 2 : 1),))

But I would like to be able to call something like  
E.abstract_abelian_group() and have it just return something like an  
AbstractAbelianGroup object, whose elements are something like  
AbstractAbelianGroupElements. This operation doesn't attempt to  
compute the group structure at all. The elements should remember that  
they came from that elliptic curve, and I should be able to create  
elements (by specifying their co-ordinates), and I should be able to  
perform arithmetic on elements. The AbstractAbelianGroup class should  
then have generic implementations of things like finding orders of  
elements, computing the exponent of the group, computing the  
structure of the group, which are then cached. (The reason I'm  
starting this thread at all is because I want to come up with a sane  
way to put these kind of generic group algorithms into SAGE.)

Somehow at the moment in SAGE it's very difficult to separate the  
"group structure" from the "elliptic curve" structure. For example,  
suppose I have an elliptic curve over Q, and I want to work with  
points defined over some number field K/Q. Currently I think the only  
option I have is to base extend the curve to K, because points need  
to "belong" to the curve. But mathematically that shouldn't be  
necessary; I should be able to talk about K-valued points of a curve  
over Q. If I base-extend to K, I lose the information that the curve  
was really defined over Q (which might make certain computations  
easier). So what I would like to be able to do is call  
E.group_over_field(K) which returns an abstract abelian group.

Maybe what I really want is a "ParentWithoutGens" base class :-)

I'm really unsure of how to proceed with this. Especially since there  
are difficult coercion issues lurking in the background. Any thoughts  
would be most appreciated.


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