Good luck!

@ Isn't it a bit obvious to say that you will be doing computations
which go beyond what has been done before?

@ You say that the previous NSF grant "has had a broad impact on
mathematics" -- that should be justified or it just sounds like hype.
[Later I see that you do justify this below, so all that's needed is a
cross-reference here.]

@ On the undergraduate's role I would emphasis what they will learn
mathematically, and have the sytems admin role secondary.  Whatever it
will actually be like in practice, there will be people at NSF who
regrd systems admin as menial...

@ You describe your recent joint work with Mazur as "unpublished".
Perhaps better to say "not yet published"?

@ You'll need to explain the "web services" you will be running.  They
might not like it if they think that the machines could be used by
anyone in the world, for not necessarily deserving work!

@ I concur with Josh Cantor's comments (despite the "grinding to a
halt" bit ;))  Which I later see is a quote!  Fair though.

@ Include "Compute all Q-curves ..." ?  Thanks to Serre's conjecture
we now know that these are all the "modular" elliptic curves over
number fields.

@ Reference [Cre97] needs updating (nott -> warwick)

I hope they ask me to referee this one!


On 08/01/2008, William Stein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Robert Miller and I are trying hard to get some sexy new hardware via
> the NSF SCREMS program.
> Please see and comment on the attached proposal.  Any typos, thoughts,
> etc., are welcome.
> NSF evaluates proposals based on scientific value, etc., and this
> proposal is mainly about number theory
> and other research because of that.  But the equipment would also
> greatly benefit the Sage project.
> This proposal will be submitted on Thursday so please make comments asap.
>  -- William
> --
> William Stein
> Associate Professor of Mathematics
> University of Washington
> >

John Cremona

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