On 1/14/08, David Roe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That looks quite cool.
> spkg's are generally for non-Python files.  The way to put a Python file
> into sage is to convert your .sage file to a .py file (for example, changing
> "^" to "**" throughout)

That's very dangerous to do and will likely introduce bugs.
It is safer to type
   sage -preparse hodge_numbers_ci.sage

then take a look at the file foo.py which is generated.  That .py file
will work 100% like your .sage file -- in fact it
is the one Sage actually uses when you load/attached that .sage file.
You can then look it over and remove excessive preparsing.

> and then putting it somewhere with the sage library
> files (for example, in
> $SAGE_ROOT/devel/sage-main/sage/schemes/generic/)  Then you
> could, from the command line do from
> sage.schemes.generic.hodge_numbers_ci import * and have
> access to all of your functionality.  Once you do so, get an account on
> sage_trac (e-mail William), post this as a ticket to include in Sage, get
> someone to review it and you're all set.

Yep, email me.

> At some point we need to get around to improving the documentation for
> people in exactly your situation: just starting to contribute to the sage
> library.  It was a project started at Sage Days 6, but hasn't gone very far
> since then.

Agreed!  However, before jumping into that it is very useful for us to have
this sort of discussion via email a few times first, as it helps clarify in
response to _real situations_ exactly what we need to tell people and what
their responses would be.  It's much better writing for a real audience then
cleaning it up, then writing docs for an imaginary audience.

> I like making a CompleteIntersection class eventually.

Yep.  I'm glad you just volunteered :-)

> On Jan 14, 2008 8:38 AM, D. Benjamin Antieau <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >
> wrote:
> > To all,
> >
> > I've created a sage file to calculate, among other things, the Hodge
> numbers of an arbitrary complete intersection. Attached is the .sage file. I
> also attempted to create a .spkg file, but it does not seem to work. Mine
> contains simply a .py file that the install script puts it
> $SAGE_ROOT/local/bin. But, I cannot seem to use it from within sage. Any
> help on that front would be appreciated. On the other hand, loading the
> .sage file works fine.
> >
> > The file itself is well-documented. I would love suggestions for further
> methods to add. For instance, at some point I will add the ability to
> compute the degrees of the top Chern classes of a threefold.
> >
> > I don't see putting this in sage at the moment, but it does lead to the
> question: should there be a CompleteIntersection class, which would inherit
> from AlgebraicScheme_subscheme_projective. If so, then I
> could put this code in that class in the characteristic zero case.
> >
> > Ben Antieau
> >
> > Example:
> >
> > The Hodge numbers of a crazy fourfold. The list of integers is the list of
> degrees of the complete intersection.
> >    sage: hodge_numbers_ci([2,4,6,3,6,4,3,2,9,5],4)
> >    [          1           0           0           0  2658146543]
> >    [          0           1           0 22238665343           0]
> >    [          0           0 42452753184           0           0]
> >    [          0 22238665343           0           1           0]
> >    [ 2658146543           0           0           0           1]
> >
> > The file provides the following functions:
> >
> chiy_characteristic_ci(degrees,index,yprecision,zprecision)
> > hodge_numbers_ci(degrees,dimension)
> > betti_numbers_ci(degrees,dimension)
> > euler_characteristic_ci(degrees,dimension)
> > topological_euler_characteristic_ci(degrees,dimension)
> > arithmetic_genus_ci(degrees,dimension)
> > geometric_genus_ci(degrees,dimension)
> [==arithmetic_genus_ci]
> > K_squared_surface_ci(degrees,dimension) [computes the
> degree of K^2 of a complete intersection surface]
> > c2_surface_ci(degrees,dimension) [computes the degree of
> the second Chern class of a complete intersection surface]
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
>  >

William Stein
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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