On Jan 18, 2008, at 12:46 PM, William Stein wrote:

>> Oooh these are hard. We still haven't settled on consistent semantics
>> for the power operator. Given the types of A and B, I'm never sure
>> what to expect the type of A^B to be. For example:
>> sage: type(Integer(2)^Rational(2))
>> <type 'sage.rings.integer.Integer'>
>> sage: type(Integer(2)^Rational(1/2))
>> <class 'sage.calculus.calculus.SymbolicArithmetic'>
>> That really bothers me.
> Why do you think the type of an expression should be trivial to
> determine from the inputs to the expression?  This would be nice,
> but it really makes no sense to expect in something as complicated
> as a computer algebra system.   Of course, we could make it so
> a^b has either the type of a, the type of b, or raises an error.  
> That's
> how it used to be.  But then so many things don't work, or become much
> harder, or frustrating if you actually want to _use_ Sage.

I think we should try to make the types easy to figure out as often  
as we can. For example, the fact that "5/1" gives you a rational  
instead of an integer is I think a Good Thing. It means that it's  
easier to write code that  uses the / operator, the system is more  
predictable. But I agree ^ is much more complicated, and I can't see  
how to do it.

>>>> Certaily x.inverse() should return an error for non-units.
>>> No it shouldn't.  It should compute the inverse as an element of a
>>> natural
>>> larger structure.
>> Huh? How do you do this? What's the inverse of 2 mod 6? What is the
>> larger structure? If anything it's the localisation, but that's not
>> "larger".
> An error.  You only do this when it makes sense.   E.g., if A is a  
> matrix
> with integer entries, there is a reasonably natural place in which to
> compute the inverse of A, namely matrices over the rationals.  To say,
> "sorry you can't do that", will just make Sage that much harder to  
> use.
> Inverting 2 mod 6 is completely different, since there is no standard
> agreed upon meaning, since there is no ring that contains Z/6Z in  
> which
> 2 is invertible.

Sounds fine.


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