Hi All,

Just a few comments: there are three possible concepts for

1) As a field over its prime field or base field (function gen(),
category Field or Algebra);
2) As a vector space over its base field (function
additive_generators(), category Module)
3) As a group, restricted to the set of nonzero elements, which is the
original source
   of confusion (function primitive_element() or group_generator(),
category Group).

It has been noted that 3) can be difficult to compute for large

Finite fields should be first and foremorst Fields, hence gen() should
as it is, and functions like additive_generators() and
primitive_element() or
group_generator() could be added.

The term primitive_element() is very standard terminology for a
when talking specifically of finite fields, but unfortunately this can
be confusing
with a primitive element of an arbitrary finite algebraic extension
field, where it is
defined to be a generator of the field extension.


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