I think that's a great summary of what those JavaScript libraries have
to offer. I've actually used jquery a little bit for the web front-end
of DSage and I like it a lot. The learning curve is not *nearly* as
steep as it is with twisted (I think Alex Clemesha would agree).

I think one big pro that was not explicitly mentioned is that both
jquery and YUI get *a lot* more testing than the notebook javascript
code ever will. I especially like the idea that Tom suggested of
making things which are sage notebook specific jquery plugins. This
would allow other people to use/test/contribute that part and
hopefully make it better.


On Jan 29, 2008 11:05 AM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, 29 Jan 2008, Jason Grout wrote:
> >
> > David Joyner wrote:
> >> Hi:
> >> I don't use the notebook but thought that possibly those
> >> who do development might want to check out
> >> http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/
> >> It's BSD licensed, and I'm guessing might have some useful code.
> >> - David Joyner
> >
> > This is interesting, thanks for pointing it out.
> >
> > There's also some new stuff going on over in the jquery camp too.  One
> > place either of these might be interesting is using the libraries to do
> > interactive plotting of data.  YUI has a chart control that relies on
> > Flash, but jquery has a new charting control that is entirely javascript
> > over at http://code.google.com/p/flot/
> >
> > There are some cool examples of the jquery plotting control at
> > http://people.iola.dk/olau/flot/examples/
> >
> > Jason
> >
> Ok, I've looked at both jQuery and YUI.
> YUI is highly modular.  It's also frikkin' HUGE -- the source zip weighs in 
> at 7MB!  That scares me.
> jQuery is a subtle little 50k package that, like Twisted, seems like it will 
> be a little hard to wrap one's head around, but comes with the kitchen sink.
> For the record, my AJAX handler is easy to those who I've explained it to 
> (and probably nobody else), and if I got hit by a bus tomorrow and something 
> went wrong with my keyboard compatability code... William would probably come 
> to my funeral to beat my corpse with a keyboard.  It's been noted a few times 
> that there isn't any documentation in the javascript -- this isn't entirely 
> true, I leave little cryptic clues for myself as I go along; like a squirrel 
> hiding nuts for the winter.
> I'm sorry to say, but the keyboard handler is going to stay no matter what 
> package we go with.  I'll try to document it.  Eventually.  Until then, I'll 
> run *behind* busses, not in front of them.
> YUI:
>     * Huge
>     * Lots of features (dunno if this is a pro or a con)
>     * Lots of documentation
>     * Supported by a massive, non-evil corporation
>     * BSD License (modified, I'm sure)
>     * Easy DOM
>     * Easy Ajax
>     * Has naive, ultimately broken keyboard support
>     * Crazy modularity -- it looks like Java
>     * Active development
>     * Supports all target browsers
> jQuery:
>     * Pretty small
>     * Good feature-set, lots of kickass plugins
>     * Great documentation, it's a wiki!
>     * MIT License
>     * Very wide user-base
>     * Easy Ajax
>     * Easy DOM
>     * Keyboard support is essentially left to the user
>     * Active development
>     * Supports all target browsers
> current:
>     * Pretty small
>     * Already works
>     * Almost no documentation
>     * GPL license
>     * Easy Ajax
>     * DOM is easy... for me
>     * Unheard of cross-platform keyboard support!
>     * Primary developer doesn't want to touch it
>     * Supports all target browsers
> It should be pretty clear by now that I like jQuery about as much as my own 
> dogfood.  Anybody who has suggested a javascript library to me before has 
> always gotten the same line, "I don't see what they offer that's better than 
> mine".  And now, jQuery has gotten to the point that I will suggest using it. 
>  Going over won't be easy -- the notebook code is riddled with funny 
> cross-browser hacks that probably won't just go away.  It shouldn't be too 
> hard, though -- most of it should just be going through every function and 
> changing names of function calls.  And as always, I offer: if somebody wants 
> to take the reins, I'll help with the dirty debugging work.
> Also, I might export my keyboards code to a useful jQuery plugin, if we go 
> that route.  The HotKeys plugin won't quite do it for us -- but maybe I can 
> just fix it.
> >

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