I forgot to mention: this is a transfert from a sage-support message by 

Le samedi 1 août 2020 12:19:45 UTC+2, Eric Gourgoulhon a écrit :
> Le samedi 1 août 2020 10:06:47 UTC+2, Emmanuel Charpentier a écrit :
>> Consider :
>> sage: f=function("f")
>> sage: m=var("m", domain="integer")
>> sage: assume(m>0)
>> Sage follows the Maxima convention for multiple derivation d^n/dx^n f(x) 
>> is diff(f(x),x,n) :
>> sage: diff(sin(x),x,3)
>> -cos(x) # Okay....
>> sage: diff(sin(x),x,m)
>> 0 *## Huh ???*
>> sage: diff(f(x),x,3)
>> diff(f(x), x, x, x) # Okay, sort of
>> sage: diff(f(x),x,m)
>> 0 *## Huh ???*
>> Note that Sage will silently return a mathematically false result when 
>> the degree of derivation is symbolic.
>> The problem doesn't seem to reside i Maxima, which returns results 
>> consistent to its convention :
>> sage: %maxima diff(sin(x),x,3)
>> -cos(x)
>> sage: %maxima diff(sin(x),x,m)
>> 'diff(sin(x),x,m)
>> sage: %maxima diff(f(x),x,3)
>> 'diff(f(x),x,3)
>> sage: %maxima diff(f(x),x,m)
>> 'diff(f(x),x,m)
>> The problem is similar to the one seen in sympy *when incorrectly called 
>> :*
>> sage: import sympy
>> sage: sympy.diff(*[sympy.sympify(u) for u in [sin(x),x,3]])
>> -cos(x)
>> sage: sympy.diff(*[sympy.sympify(u) for u in [sin(x),x,m]])
>> 0 # Huh again...
>> sage: sympy.diff(*[sympy.sympify(u) for u in [sin(x),[x,m]]])
>> Derivative(sin(x), (x, m)) # Unfulfilling but correct...
>> sage: sympy.diff(*[sympy.sympify(u) for u in [f(x),[x,m]]])
>> Derivative(f(x), (x, m)) # Unfulfilling but correct...
>> Note that sympy's alternative convention for multiple derivation gives 
>> consistent results :
>> sage: sympy.diff(*[sympy.sympify(u) for u in [sin(x),[x,m]]]).subs([(m, 
>> 3)])
>> Derivative(sin(x), (x, 3))
>> sage: sympy.diff(*[sympy.sympify(u) for u in [sin(x),[x,m]]]).subs([(m, 
>> 3)]).doit
>> ....: ()
>> -cos(x)
>> sage: sympy.diff(*[sympy.sympify(u) for u in [f(x),[x,m]]]).subs([(m, 3)])
>> Derivative(f(x), (x, 3))
>> sage: sympy.diff(*[sympy.sympify(u) for u in [f(x),[x,m]]]).subs([(m, 
>> 3)]).doit()
>> ....: 
>> Derivative(f(x), (x, 3))
>> Sage doesn't accept Sympy's convention for multiple derivation :
>> sage: diff(f(x), (x,3))
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> [ Snip ... ]
>> TypeError: no canonical coercion from <class 'tuple'> to Symbolic Ring
>> Therefore, Sage seems to interpret diff(<expression>, <variable>, 
>> <numerical value>) as d/d<variable> <expression> and diff(<expression>, 
>> <variable1>, <variable2>) as d/d<variable1> d/d<variable2> <expression>, 
>> with no way to express d^<variable2>/d<variable1)^<variable2> <expression>.
>> This is, IMNSHO, a serious mess. Which, as demonstrated above, *can silently 
>> return 
>> mathematically false results*.
>> The problem is that I cannot see a way to fix this that doesn't break 
>> backwards compatibility somehow.
>> Help about the way to efficiently file a (probably critical) ticket 
>> against this horror most welcome...
>> PS : One can note that Mathematica expresses its result in the symbolic 
>> case in a peculiar way :
>> sage: mathematica.D(f(x),[x,m])
>> Derivative[m][F][x]
>> One can also note that it may handle some special cases in a smarter way 
>> than Sage/Maxima/Sympy :
>> sage: mathematica.D(sin(x),[x,m])
>> Sin[(m*Pi)/2 + x]
>> but this is another story...

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