Le mardi 23 mars 2021 à 19:37:33 UTC+1, Thierry (sage-googlesucks@xxx) a 
écrit :

> Hi, 
> On Tue, Mar 23, 2021 at 11:20:05AM -0700, Eric Gourgoulhon wrote: 
> > PS: IMHO, things like %display latex or %display html are hindrances for 
> > newcomers. 
> I understand that this is not the point, but for what it worth, i prefer 
> the default to remain the current plain text, as it provides more 
> explicit information, which are good to newcomers. 
> Example: 
> Univariate Polynomial Ring in X over Rational Field 
> vs 
> Q[X] 

Well, at least on this example, there is as much information in "Q[X]" than 
in "Univariate Polynomial Ring in X over Rational Field" and the former 
should be as explicit as the latter to any newcomer who manipulates such an 
object, since Q[X] is precisely the standard notation for the polynomial 
ring in X over Q. But I agree than on other examples, the latex output may 
be not as explicit (sometimes, this is the other way round). Anyway, in 
case of doubt about an object A, print(A) will always return the plain text 
description of A. So, I would advocate to reverse the logic here: instead of
%display latex or show(A) or whatever to get the latex output, have
A  --> latex output (or any other rich display of A, like svg via the 
standard Jupyter way, namely _repr_svg_)
print(A) --> plain text.


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