Hi all,

The ticket  


adds algebraic geometry error correcting codes (also called geometric Goppa 
codes) and their decoders to Sage. Once merged, this will be another edge 
where Sage is superior to Magma.

Travis and I are working on the ticket, and we encountered an issue on 
doctesting the code. It takes a "long" time (about 4 seconds) to construct 
a decoder (a smallest nontrivial example). Thus it takes much time for 
doctesting all code (about 60 doctests) as each doctest has to construct a 
decoder before testing a method. So to save time, we decided to save the 
decoder as an sobj object, and to load the object before each test. There 
are 8 saved objects in .../coding/tests subdirectory for this purpose.

Now we worry if there is a security breach in this way of doctesting. We 
did not find other example doing the same in the Sage lib. What do you 
think? If there is a real threat in security, then we would revert to the 
established way of adding "# long time" to the doctests. Thank you for 

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