
i have to tell various people how to install Sage on their OS and i am a
bit confused about MacOS and Windows installers.

Regarding MacOS, the installation guide [1] speaks about alternative
binaries than the ones that are available on the mirrors, explaining
that those "have been signed and notarized, eliminating various errors
caused by Appleā€™s gatekeeper antimalware protections".

My first question is: if such binaries are better, why don't we
distribute similar binaries on the mirrors ? Which binaries should be
recommended ?

Regarding Windows, the mirrors propose a 9.2 version of Sage (0.6.2
installer), but the last release available on [2] is Sage 9.3 (0.6.3

My second question is: is the 9.3 ready for use and recommended, and if
yes, why isn't it available through the mirrors ?


[1] https://doc.sagemath.org/html/en/installation/binary.html#macos

[2] https://github.com/sagemath/sage-windows/releases

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